by Saba Inam, Shamsa Kanwal, Rashid Ali
ABSTRACT: Security of some present day public key cryptosystem (PKC) is based on general linear groups as it is a good choice for developing such types of cryptosystems. This study presents various public...
by Alexandros Α. Zimbidis
ABSTRACT: This paper provides a deeper actuarial insight in the mathematics and algorithms described in Delegate Act 35/2015 of Solvency II legislative framework with respect to the determination of...
by Behrouz Emamizadeh, Yichen Liu, Giovanni Porru
ABSTRACT: We investigate the maxima in classes of rearrangements of some functionals associated with solutions to Dirichlet problems for second order elliptic equations.
by Nikolay Karabutov
ABSTRACT: The structural identifiability (SI) problem considers for dynamical systems with multiple nonlinearities under uncertainty. It shows the widely used paradigm based on a priori parametric...
by R. Ravi Sankar, N. Sreedhar, K. R. Prasad
ABSTRACT: The present paper focuses on establishing the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the nonlinear differential equations of order four y (4) (t) + g(t, y(t)) = 0, t ∈ [a, b], together with the...