Global Economics Science is an open access, peer-reviewed international journal that encourages multidisciplinary research and aims to publish high quality original articles, both theoretical and empirical, which contribute significantly to the body of knowledge, using scientific research methods. The journal is severed as a platform for academics and practitioners around the world to share their latest advancements in all areas of global economics including economics, finance, international trade, and related topics.
In particular, Global Economics Science encourages submissions in subject areas that are widely studied, including economic theories, economics philosophy, economic law and policy, accounting, international economics, monetary banking and finance, and other contemporary economic issues facing the world economy, as well as regions and countries. See more...
Call for Papers: Volume 5 Issue 2 (2024) of Global Economics Science
Sep 08,2022Special Issue: Call for Papers
by Sayouba Ouedraogo
ABSTRACT: This paper identifies the economic, sociological, psychological, and managerial approaches to analyzing the determinants of employability, and their limitations, and then proposes an...
by Vibhuti Sharma
ABSTRACT: Labor market participation has increased attention due to the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This crisis has significantly affected various aspects of society, including labor market...