Special Issue: Recent trends in solutions and numerical simulations of differential equations of mathematical physics


Special Issue Description

In many real-world phenomena, including fluid dynamics, optics, acoustics, plasma physics, engineering, and many other fields of nonlinear research, nonlinear differential equations are crucial. Therefore, it is essential to solve these equations in order to comprehend and interpret the structure that they represent.

Nonetheless, a range of analytical and numerical methods have been created by academics that can be used to solve nonlinear differential equations. The Lie symmetry method, the inverse scattering transformation approach, Ansatz methods, Multistep methods, finite difference/element/volume methods, and several additional methods described in the literature are a few of the well-known techniques.

The goal of this special issue is to provide the most current developments in the many techniques used to acquire analytical and numerical solutions to nonlinear differential equations.



Symmetries of Differentials Equations; Soliton Theory Conservation Laws of Partial Differentials Equations; Mathematical Physics; Numerical Analysis;


Guest Editor

Name: Abdullahi Adem

Affiliation: University of South Africa

E-Mail: ademar@unisa.ac.za

Interests: Conservation Laws of Partial Differentials Equations; Mathematical Physics Symmetries of Differentials Equations; Soliton Theory


Submission Information

Submit it online: http://ojs.wiserpub.com/index.php/CM/user/register

Or send it to the email address: editorcm@universalwiser.com


Submission Guideline



For any inquiries about this Special Issue, please contact the Editors via editorcm@universalwiser.com.