Special Issue: Fractional Differential Equations, Artificial Intelligence, and Their Applications
Call for Papers
We invite researchers, academics, and professionals in the field of fractional differential equations and its applications in artificial intelligence and geometry to submit research articles for this innovative journal. This special issue seeks to gather both theoretical and applied contributions addressing various aspects of these equations.
The exploration of fractional differential equations and their applications has seen significant advancements in recent years. Progress has been particularly notable in approximation theory, dynamical analysis, efficient numerical techniques, complex networks, parameter identification, and artificial intelligence-driven approaches. These developments highlight the growing potential of fractional differential systems in various scientific and engineering domains. In response to this, this Special Issue aims to present the latest cutting-edge research on the theory, methodologies, and innovative applications of fractional differential equations, with a special emphasis on AI-based techniques.
- Fractional differential equations
- Stability analysis
- Bifurcation, chaos, and synchronization
- AI-driven identification techniques
- Mathematical modeling and artificial intelligence
- Well-posedness
- Fractional Brownian motion
- Noise and random perturbations
- Network dynamics
- Delays, impulses, and AI-enhanced perturbation analysis
Submission Guidelines
- Proposals must be written in English.
- Each chapter proposal should include an abstract (100–150 words) and a list of 5–10 keywords.
- The complete manuscript will total approximately 140,000–170,000 words (excluding preface, table of contents, and bibliography).
- Contributors are encouraged to include illustrations (diagrams, tables, charts) in full color for the electronic version and grayscale for the print edition.
- Supplementary multimedia (e.g., videos, animations) may also be submitted to enhance the content.
Guest Editor
Name: Dr. Mohamed Abdoon
Affiliation: Department of Basic Sciences, Common First Year Deanship, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Email: mabdoon.c@ksu.edu.sa
Name: Dr. Rania Saadeh
Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, Zarqa University, Zarqa, Jordan
Email: rsaadeh@zu.edu.jo
Submission Information
Submit it online: http://ojs.wiserpub.com/index.php/CM/user/register
Or send it to the email address: cmeditor@universalwiser.com
Submission Guideline
For any inquiries about this Special Issue, please contact the Editors via cmeditor@universalwiser.com