Materials Plus: Announcements 2023-08-17T14:42:21+08:00 Open Journal Systems <p><em>Materials Plus</em> (<em>MP</em>) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal of material science and technology published biannually online by Universal Wiser Publisher (UWP).</p> <p><strong>&gt;</strong> fully open access - free for readers<br /><strong>&gt;</strong> no article processing charge (APC) paid by authors or their institutions within the year of 2022<br /><strong>&gt;</strong> thorough double-blind peer-review<br /><strong>&gt;</strong> free post-publication promotion service by the Editorial Office</p> News: Partner Conferences - 2nd International Summit on Bio Polymers and Polymer Science (ISBPS2024) 2023-08-17T14:42:21+08:00 Materials Plus <p><img src="" alt="" width="1584" height="386" /></p> <p><img src="" alt="" width="295" height="299" /></p> <p>More information you will find at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>.</p> 2023-08-17T14:42:21+08:00 CfP: Call for Papers - Publish with APC Fully Waived! 2022-07-01T11:10:44+08:00 Materials Plus <p><em>Materials Plus</em> (<em>MP</em>) is calling for submissions. Comprehensive review articles, original research articles, etc. are all welcome!</p> <p> </p> <p>Please check the Aims and Scope of <em>MP</em>: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>.</p> <p> </p> <p>The publisher is fund-supported. Currently, NO article processing charge (APC) is applied to author publications.</p> <p> </p> <p>Submit your manuscript: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>.<br />Deadline for submissions: 31 December 2022.</p> <p> </p> <p>For any queries, please feel free to contact the <em>MP</em> Editorial Office (<a href=""></a>).</p> 2022-07-01T11:10:44+08:00 Recuitement: Youth Editorial Board for MP - Apply to join now! 2022-06-28T15:41:58+08:00 Materials Plus <div class="message"> <p><em>Materials Plus </em>(<em>MP</em>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>) is an international peer-review open access journal published online by Universal Wiser Publisher (UWP), Singapore. It publishes novel research findings, reviews, and communications in all aspects of materials science.</p> <p> </p> <p><em>MP</em> provides an open platform (Youth Editorial Board, YEB) for young investigators to grow, participate in the editorial work, exchange cutting-edge ideas, etc.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Requirements for Youth Editorial Board Members</strong></p> <p>1. Under the age of 40;</p> <p>2. Researching in the materials science or related fields;</p> <p>3. A desire for engaging editorial service.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Responsibilities of the Youth Editorial Board Members</strong></p> <p>1. Submitting qualified works to <em>MP</em>;</p> <p>2. Providing professional peer-review reports;</p> <p>3. Promoting <em>MP</em> among colleagues.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Apply to join the Youth Editorial Board, or recommend a candidate</strong></p> <p>Please contact the <em>MP </em>Editorial Office (<a href=""></a>) and attach the CV.</p> </div> 2022-06-28T15:41:58+08:00