Materials Plus (MP) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal of material science and technology published biannually online by Universal Wiser Publisher (UWP).
> fully open access - free for readers
> no article processing charge (APC) paid by authors or their institutions within the year of 2022
> thorough double-blind peer-review
> free post-publication promotion service by the Editorial Office
Partner Conferences - 2nd International Summit on Bio Polymers and Polymer Science (ISBPS2024)
Jul 01,2022Call for Papers - Publish with APC Fully Waived!
Jun 28,2022Youth Editorial Board for MP - Apply to join now!
by Norbert Konradt
ABSTRACT: Metal-supported graphene nanocomposites with single atoms or small clusters are of interest for various catalytic processes, including applications in batteries, fuel cells, water electrolysis,...
by Hideo Maruyama, Shiro Takahashi
ABSTRACT: The effect of carboxylate on the particle size of CaCO 3 derived from scallop shells was investigated. Shell was dissolved in HCl solution and used as a raw material for CaCO 3 particles. As the...
by Minyoung Suh, Yining Chen , Jung Hyun Park , Emiel DenHartog
ABSTRACT: Since the behaviors of human breasts are rubberlike, current research explores elastic properties of human breasts. The elastic behavior of breasts is observed through force-displacement...
ABSTRACT: Direct methanol fuel cells can utilize a liquid methanol fuel directly, without the need for prior reformation. This ability is highly advantageous when compared with other fuel cell technologies,...