by Asodekar Bhupal Ravindra, Wadekar Prathamesh Chandrashekhar, Patil Parmeshwar Shivajirao, Patil Mallikarjun Laxmiputra, Lali Mallinath Arvind
ABSTRACT: Utilization of amply available lignocellulosic biomass for a cost-effective conversion to renewable chemicals has proven more difficult than anticipated. Sustainable and viable fractionation of...
by Chinmaya Kumar Das, Umasankar Nayak, Preetinanda Pati
ABSTRACT: Climate change is an emerging threat to food & nutritional security. It adversely affects crop production by altering the gene expression patterns of genes encoding for growth, development,...
by Sujoy Biswas, Aswin Pradeep, Vijay Hiraman Rupawate, Manharn Lal Sahu, Madangopal Krishnan
ABSTRACT: Crude Sodium Di-Uranate (SDU) of Tummalapalle mine India, contains 2-3% (w/w) of silica besides 5-7% (w/w) of organic matter including polyacrylamides and humic masses with 2-5% Zirconium (Zr)...