Social Education Research <p>Social Education Research (SER) is an open-access and peer reviewed journal which publishes high quality, original articles that contain theoretical content and practical teaching ideas on social education. It aims to exchange ideas and research findings that will contribute on the expansion of knowledge and understanding on issues about social education. SER presents research findings or progress trends that focusing on Instructional methodology AND Educational Technology, Adult Education, STEM and social education, Intercultural education. Click <a href="">here</a> to find more details.</p> en-US (Flynn) (Kim Harris) Mon, 25 Mar 2024 15:38:03 +0800 OJS 60 Parental Involvement in Assisting the Student in the Social Domain: The Educators' Perspective <p>Parental involvement is one of the key issues in education that remains a constant part of the public and academic agenda, but little is known about the perspective of educators on parental involvement in assisting the student in the social domain. It is essential to throw light on this perspective in order to construct an effective parent-educator partnership in this domain. This qualitative study focuses on educators' perspectives (perceptions and strategies). It is based on analyses of 10 case studies perceived by educators as successful and 16 statements by educators, which were not connected to a specific case study, but expressed their views about parents generally. It was found that the educators' perceptions include positive and negative aspects. Three types of effective strategies have emerged from the data: creating good communication with parents, giving practical advice to parents, and driving positive change in the relations between the child and their parents. The conclusions point to aspects that should be emphasized in teacher education, particularly professional training in how to develop social competence in students.</p> Anat Korem Copyright (c) 2024 Anat Korem Mon, 08 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Exploring Trends and Challenges in Professional Development of Adult Educators across European Member States: Insights and Recommendations for Improvements <p>This article provides an overview of professional development trends in European Member States, encompassing training and qualification requirements, as well as the supply and demand for adult teaching staff, including specialized training in andragogical studies. The study investigates actions and policies related to professional development in selected European Member States through thematic analysis of a supportive document for National Coordinators of Adult Learning, who participated in an online Peer Learning Activity (PLA) in May 2021. Additionally, relevant information from Eurydice, European policy documents, scholarly articles, and research papers is incorporated. This overview sets the stage for a discussion on prevailing trends in the professional development of adult educators across European Member States and explores how these trends impact professional development. Overall, the discussion underscores the need for a more systematic and sustained approach to professional development and professionalization in the field of adult education. This includes addressing the diverse needs of adult educators and advocating for greater recognition and regulation of the profession across European countries.</p> Nicoletta Ioannou Copyright (c) 2024 Nicoletta Ioannou Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Improving Pre-service English Teachers' TPACK in Teaching Contest <p>The development of pre-service teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) has attracted wide attention among scholars and teacher educators worldwide. However, few studies have explored preservice teachers' TPACK in the context of teaching contest. To fill the research gap, this study interviewed three preservice English teachers who participated in competitive teaching contest to uncover the influence of the teaching contest on their TPACK development. Findings suggested their TPACK was greatly developed through observations of role models, instructional design practice, peer collaboration, expert feedback, and self-reflection. Finding of the study enriched people's understanding of TPACK theory and provide valuable suggestions for pre-service teachers, university teacher training programs, and teacher educators to improve pre-service teachers' TPACK.</p> Fang Huang, Wenxin Zhang, Kailiang Lv Copyright (c) 2024 Fang Huang, Wenxin Zhang, Kailiang Lv Fri, 19 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Impact of a Simple Channel Factor on Vocabulary Learning of Iranian EFL Learners Across Genders <p>The concept of channel factors was introduced by Kurt Lewin to the field of psychology as seemingly unimportant circumstantial changes that could affect the trajectory of an endeavor. The primary goal of the present study was the examination of the impact of using a timeslot on Iranian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners' performance on vocabulary, and the respective comparison based on gender. A total number of 180 male and female upper-intermediate EFL learners participated in this study. They were divided into six classes: two classes were not provided with the channel factor, two of them received it from the outset, and the other two were exposed to it in the middle of the semester. The participants, all of whom took three tests (pretest, mid-test, post-test), were categorized into six types based on their gender and the existence and timing of the channel factors. The results of data analysis through Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) revealed that the channel factor positively impacted the performance of participants regardless of gender. However, its impact was stronger on males in the short run but more endurable among females.</p> Jassem Alifathabadi, Sara Safaeimehneh Copyright (c) 2024 Jassem Alifathabadi, Sara Safaeimehneh Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Enhancing Postgraduate Academic Writing Skills Through Course Reform: an Action Research Study <p>This action research study investigated the effectiveness of an academic English writing course reform for postgraduate students in science and technology disciplines at a Chinese university. The reform integrated interdisciplinary teaching approaches, genre-based pedagogy, collaborative learning, and AI-assisted writing tools to enhance students' academic writing skills, engagement, and satisfaction. A mixed-methods approach was employed, including pre- and post-tests, student surveys, interviews, and writing samples. The results showed significant improvements in students' overall writing performance, particularly in the dimensions of organization and language use. Comparative analyses across disciplines revealed the universality of the interdisciplinary teaching approach in promoting students' mastery of academic writing conventions and professional terminology. The integration of AIassisted writing tools, while offering potential benefits, also highlighted challenges that require careful consideration and management. The study provides valuable pedagogical implications, emphasizing the adoption of an interdisciplinary, genre-based teaching approach, systematic teacher training in innovative pedagogies, judicious incorporation of AIassisted writing tools, and ongoing, multidimensional writing assessment and feedback. Future research directions are proposed, including longitudinal studies, comparative analyses of AI-assisted writing tools, ethnographic explorations of writer and instructor identities, design-based research on innovative writing curricula, and cross-cultural investigations of the transferability of teaching reform measures. This study contributes to the advancement of academic writing instruction in postgraduate education and offers insights into the effective integration of technology and pedagogy in English for Academic Purposes.</p> Lulu Zhang, Zhuo Wu Copyright (c) 2024 Lulu Zhang, Zhuo Wu Wed, 24 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Effectiveness of Teacher Supervision Practices in the Implementation of the Early Years Education Program <p>Early Years Education (EYE) is the crucial stage in the child’s physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development. This study, therefore, sought to evaluate the effectiveness of teacher supervision practices in the implementation of the EYE program in the Khwisero Sub-county. The study which targeted key education stakeholders in EYE adopted a cross-sectional survey research design. Stratified random sampling and purposive sampling were used to select 10 schools, 10 head teachers, 10 teachers in charge, 1 program officer, 4 ward representatives and 50 assistant teachers. The questionnaire, interview guide and document analysis guide were used for data collection. Frequency of supervision is key to the effectiveness of teacher supervision practices because it affects the adequacy of teaching resources, the development of necessary learning skills, and effective time management. From the findings, it was noted that there are various areas of teacher supervision, which are not adequately addressed as indicated by some respondents, including teaching and learning resources, time management and teacher professional records. By implementing effective supervisory practices, schools can create an environment that supports high-quality education and fosters continuous improvement in learning outcomes. Preparedness ensures that teachers have the necessary skills, resources, and time management capabilities, hence directly influencing the adequacy of teaching resources, learning skills, and time management. Generally, respondents thought that supervisory practices in place were effective, though the degree or intensity of effectiveness varied. Therefore, the study recommended that Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) stakeholders support the supervision initiatives in place for effective curriculum implementation of the EYE program.</p> Isabellah Lumiti Ameli, Godfrey Ayaga, James Bill Ouda Copyright (c) 2024 Isabellah Lumiti Ameli, Godfrey Ayaga, James Bill Ouda Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Attachment in the Context of Early Years Pedagogical Practice: Early Childhood Educator and Director Insights <p> Given that early childhood education and care is relationship laden, research into attachment can contribute towards our understanding of early childhood education relationships. There is, however, a lack of research in this field and available research is largely absent of the voices of early childhood professionals and directors who work in early years environments. On these grounds a qualitative instrumental case study, nested in a social constructivist paradigm, was designed in Ontario, Canada, to gain insight into how attachment is (dis)embodied in their practice. The ten interviews that informed findings suggest that although attachment merges with practice, reluctance exists to intentionally embrace attachment theorizing and terminology. Instead, attachment is cloaked in care and love discourse, with "two-sided" inclinations. Participants of this study compel pre and in-service organizations to fortify their training to ensure that pedagogical approaches espouse the cornerstones of attachment theory and terminology, most notably to counter attachment (mis)understandings. Findings furthermore point to the intersectionality between the personal attachment history of professionals who work with young children, and their capacity to nurture security in their pedagogical practice.</p> Tina Bonnett, Donna France Copyright (c) 2024 Tina Bonnett, France Donna Thu, 16 May 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Emotional Labor and Mental Health in Adult Education: Reintegration Among Deported Mexicans in Bilingual Call Centers Post-COVID 19 <p>This study investigates the role of bilingual call centers in Mexico as platforms for reintegration and skill development for Mexicans deported from the United States post-COVID-19. Utilizing a qualitative research framework, we conducted 30 in-depth interviews in Tijuana and Juarez, combined with ethnographic fieldwork, to explore the lived experiences of deported individuals working in these call centers. Our analysis reveals that while call centers provide critical employment opportunities and access to adult education, they also pose significant mental health challenges due to stressful work conditions and frequent exposure to caller abuse. The findings underscore the need for targeted policy interventions to improve work conditions and support the mental health of this vulnerable population. This paper contributes to the discourse on migration and adult education by highlighting the complex dynamics of bilingual call centers as both avenues for socio-economic reintegration and sources of psychological stress for deported Mexicans.</p> Carlos Samuel Ibarra, Rodolfo Cruz Piñeiro, Arturo Fabián Jiménez Copyright (c) 2024 Carlos Samuel Ibarra, Rodolfo Cruz Piñeiro, Arturo Fabián Jiménez Fri, 12 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 New 'Young Geographers' : Children's Cognitive Development Wayfaring Through the City Replica Project <p> This paper examines how children relate an actual 3D environment to modular, loose parts in creating a 3D city replica with 2D embellishment. The main goals of the study were to examine children's creation of 3D replicas of immediate physical spaces in their educational setting and the cognitive development that is needed to support this type of play, as well as the cognitive benefits derived from engaging in symbolic 3D construction. Further, this paper explores children's 2D symbol use in the children's drawings and marks added to the surfaces of the loose parts during construction play. Framed by Vygotsky's sociocultural theory (1978), the qualitative research was conducted in a four-year-old classroom at a child development center in the southwest of the United States. Data was collected from photos, participants' narratives, and fieldwork and analyzed by the photovoice method through a developmental cognitive skills and abilities lens. We observed the interplay of the individual and society reflected in the children's understanding of their community's symbolic culture and approach to constructing a city replica. It was found that field trips of neighbourhood walks helped to establish children's perceptions of their community's symbolic culture before constructing the city model; further, children have dual representation abilities and can use their abstract reasoning skills in finalizing 3D constructions. Moreover, children used basic spatial skills, such as symbolic representation, position, location, perspective, scaling, direction, and navigation during the city replica 3D construction and in pretend play with the completed city replica product. Lastly, the seminal work of Mitchell (1991) is brought in to ground the results of the research project in the curriculum and pedagogy of early childhood.</p> Annabelle Black Delfin, Wenjie Wang Copyright (c) 2024 Annabelle Black Delfin, Wenjie Wang Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Exploring Parent Perceptions of Virtual Learning in School: Learning During a Pandemic <p>In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many schools were required to shift to virtual learning. Parents and students had to adapt to this sudden change in learning environments and many of their home lives also changed dramatically. Some families faced additional challenges in accessing virtual learning and in balancing their daily lives. The purpose of this study was to explore parent perceptions of virtual learning. Interviews were conducted with 20 parents of students who attended middle or high schools in underserved areas in one Midwestern US state in the summer of 2021. The majority of participants were between 36-45 years of age, and most participants identified as White (55% or <em>n </em>= 11), with 30% identifying as Black. Additionally, the majority of participants reported having a college degree (55%, <em>n </em>= 11). Nineteen parent participants were female (95%). Constant comparative analysis and emergent coding were used to analyze the data. The findings revealed that virtual learning impacted participants' daily routines, with participants sharing positive and negative aspects of their stress levels and their children's academic performance. Some parents reported less stress due to the flexibility afforded through virtual learning, whereas other parents noted an increase in their stress level as a result of having to assume extra responsibility for their children's school work. In addition, the majority of parents reported that virtual learning negatively impacted their children's mental health. Some parents of students with disabilities reported that their children had positive experiences with virtual learning. Implications for research and practice are discussed.</p> W. Catherine Cheung, Michaelene M Ostrosky, Mia Chudzik, Courtney O'Grady, Alana Ackerman, Natalie Perez, Rebecca L. Smith Copyright (c) 2024 W. Catherine Cheung, Michaelene M Ostrosky, Mia Chudzik, Courtney O'Grady, Natalie Perez, Alana Ackerman, Rebecca L Smith Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Understanding Vocational Teacher Educators' Role Identities Through Metaphors: A Case Study in Malta <p>The objective of this qualitative study, that is framed using identity theory (Burke &amp; Stets, 2009), based on semi-structured interviews, is to gain a deeper understanding of the professional role identities of vocational teacher educators (VTEs) through the use of metaphors. VTEs are undervalued in studies and policy in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) context, and misunderstood as an occupational group, despite being essential to maintaining a high-quality vocational teaching workforce and significantly influencing the quality of vocational education. It presents empirical evidence taking Malta as a case study and examines how VTEs synthesise the meanings they assign during an initial teaching education (ITE) programme. In addition, it also investigates how, through metaphors, the role identities of VTEs in Malta change during the ITE programme. Findings indicate that VTEs face various complexities, and it is difficult to express the multiple facets of this professional role identity in a single metaphor. Moreover, within this case study, VTEs' role identity formation does not follow a linear trajectory but unfolds according to the needs at that time.</p> Alison Said Copyright (c) 2024 Alison Said Fri, 24 May 2024 00:00:00 +0800