Applied Microbiology: Theory & Technology

ISSN: 2717-5928 (Print) 2717-5936 (Online) Description

Applied Microbiology:Theory&Technology is an international, peer-reviewed, open accessed journal that publishes research articles, reviews, short communications, case studies on all aspects of microbiological research. Areas of special interest include but not limited to agricultural microbiology, food microbiology, environmental microbiology, microbial genomics, clinical microbiology, industrial microbiology and marine microbiology, click to see more...

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Understanding of Research Milestones Embedded Within the History of Plant Viruses Especially Tobacco Mosaic Virus

by Aniket Angira, Shobith Suresh, Nandlal Choudhary

ABSTRACT: Since the discovery of plant viruses, their profound impact on plant sciences and human society has driven extensive research efforts to understand their nature and develop management strategies....