Optical Bullets and Domain Walls with Cross Spatio-Dispersion and Having Kudryashov’s form of Self-Phase Modulation


  • Ahmed M. Elsherbeny Department of Physics and Mathematics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
  • Mohammad Mirzazadeh Department of Engineering Sciences, Faculty of Technology and Engineering, East of Guilan, University of Guilan, Rudsar-Vajargah, Iran
  • Ahmed H. Arnous Department of Physics and Engineering Mathematics, Higher Institute of Engineering, El-Shorouk Academy, Cairo, Egypt
  • Anjan Biswas Department of Mathematics and Physics, Grambling State University, Grambling, LA, USA
  • Yakup Yildirim Department of Computer Engineering, Biruni University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Anelia Dakova Physics and Technology Faculty, University of Plovdiv ''Paisii Hilendarski'', Plovdiv, Bulgaria
  • Asim Asiri Mathematical Modeling and Applied Computation Research Group, Center of Modern Mathematical Sciences and their Applications, Department of Mathematics, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia




bullets, Kudryashov, cross spatio-dispersion, domain walls


In this paper, we investigate the retrieval of optical bullets and domain walls in a novel context, considering the interplay of cross spatio-dispersive effects and employing Kudryashov' s proposed form of self-phase modulation. The integration of these two key elements represents a significant advancement in the field of nonlinear optics, enabling the recovery of optical structures with enhanced precision and control. We propose an enhanced Kudryashov’s approach, which overcomes the limitations of conventional methods and facilitates the retrieval of optical bullets and domain walls even in the presence of cross spatio-dispersive effects. Kudryashov' s self-phase modulation mechanism has proven to be a powerful tool in controlling the nonlinear dynamics of optical systems, offering unique opportunities to manipulate light waves through phase variations induced by the medium' s response to intense optical fields. The results presented herein offer new insights into the intricate interplay between self-phase modulation and spatio-dispersive effects in nonlinear optical systems. Moreover, our findings provide a promising avenue for developing novel applications in ultrafast all-optical signal processing, such as the manipulation of light bullets for high-speed data transmission and storage. The enhanced retrieval and control of optical bullets and domain walls are expected to have a profound impact on the advancement of nonlinear optics and its practical implications.




How to Cite

Elsherbeny AM, Mirzazadeh M, Arnous AH, Biswas A, Yildirim Y, Dakova A, Asiri A. Optical Bullets and Domain Walls with Cross Spatio-Dispersion and Having Kudryashov’s form of Self-Phase Modulation. Contemp. Math. [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];4(3):505-17. Available from: https://ojs.wiserpub.com/index.php/CM/article/view/3359

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