by Nayeem Ahamed, Goutom Dey, Tamzed Ahmed, Rafat Rahman, Hasin Md. Muhtasim Taqi, Sayem Ahmed
ABSTRACT: Nowadays, industrial production is a critical issue for companies as public consciousness is rising because of environmental impacts. Like most other industries, the ready-made garment (RMG)...
by Yuvasri R, Manimaran A
ABSTRACT: Diffie-Hellman ( DH ) is the reason for the existence of a solution to the key distribution problem, where two parties can mutually set up a shared secret key over an insecure channel without any...
by S. M. Sayed, A. S. Mohamed, E. M. Abo El-Dahab, Y. H. Youssri
ABSTRACT: This article introduces two numerical methods to address boundary value problems associated with secondorder and fractional differential equations. These methods employ two parameters related to...
by Adeniji AA, Adeniyi MO, Shatalov MY, Oshinubi K
ABSTRACT: This study explores the impact of the movement of PhD graduates and postdoctoral research fellows between academia and industry on unemployment within the academic and industry sectors. To achieve...
by Rani R, Indhira K
ABSTRACT: We presented a M X / G 1 , G 2 /1 queueing system with a Bernoulli schedule that includes service disruption, working breakdown, balking, catastrophe and extended server vacations. All...
by Ashok Kumar Badsara, Virendra Singh Chouhan
ABSTRACT: In this paper, we apply the Homotopy perturbation transform method of the time-fractional Fornberg-Whitham equation with Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivative. We establish the existence and...
by Trinadh Babu Kunapareddy, Sravana Kumar Bali
ABSTRACT: Consideration of transmission line capacity and the optimal power flow (OPF) determines the locational marginal price (LMP), which in turn determines the performance and profitability of a...
by W.M. Abd-Elhameed, A.M. Al-Sady
ABSTRACT: The main purpose of this study is to introduce and study certain orthogonal polynomials (OPs) that are written as combinations of Legendre polynomials. These polynomials can be viewed as...
by Elsayed M. E. Zayed, Reham M. A. Shohib, Mohamed E. M. Alngar, Mona El-Shater, Anjan Biswas, Yakup Yildirim, Anwar Ja' afar Mohamad Jawad, Ali Saleh Alshomrani
ABSTRACT: This paper explores the dynamics of highly dispersive gap solitons within the framework of the Kundu-Eckhaus equation, augmented by the inclusion of multiplicative white noise in the Itô sense, a...
by Abdullah Alsoboh, Murat Çağlar, Mucahit Buyankara
ABSTRACT: In this study, we introduce a new class of bi-univalent functions using q -Ultraspherical polynomials. We derive the Fekete and Szegö functional problems for functions in this new subclass, as...
by Ziyi Huang, Nana Chen, Yangtian Yan, Kai Yan, Xin Chen, Xianhua Zheng, Hankun Yin , Kaixin Xie, Lin Zhang
ABSTRACT: Research on artificial intelligence and robotics for the ecological protection and restoration of waters has increased in importance with the promotion of national green sustainable development...
by Jignesh P. Chauhan, Sagar R. Khirsariya, Minakshi Biswas Hathiwala
ABSTRACT: In this article, we study a mathematical model of the chlamydia infection caused by sexual contact. To analyze this model, we combine the homotopy perturbation Laplace transform technique with the...
by Musthafa Ibrahim, Bilal Khan, A. Manickam
ABSTRACT: In the present investigation, we make use of the q -analogue of the Sălăgean differential operator and introduce a new subclass of analytic and bi-univalent functions S Σ η , μ involving...
by Reena A, Raja R, Swaminathan R
ABSTRACT: This paper explores the mathematical modelling of a non-linear double intermediate enzymatic reaction, focusing on its pre-steady state behaviour. Using homotopy perturbation and Taylor's series...
by K. Shanmugam, Satyam K, T. Rajasekhar
ABSTRACT: The pervasive need for cloud-hosted application services has resulted from the widespread use of cloud data centers. Not only that, but there has been a dramatic increase in the resource demands...
by Farooqhusain Inamdar, Hasan S. N.
ABSTRACT: The orthogonal operators defined as similarity transformations on Euclidean space E can also be considered as group actions on the Clifford Algebra. In this paper, we investigate the finite...
by Anwar Ja’afar Mohamad Jawad, Anjan Biswas, Yakup Yildirim, Ali Saleh Alshomrani
ABSTRACT: The highly dispersive optical solitons with a quadratic-cubic form of self-phase modulation structure are derived. The governing model was reduced to an ordinary differential equation by the...
by Suha Wazzan, Nurten Urlu Ozalan
ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is to create a new semigroup by defining a special idealization operation on semigroups. Additionally, by considering amalgamation, we will present novel distinguishing...
by R Revathi, T. Poornima
ABSTRACT: This study investigates sodium alginate-based nano-lubricants with added copper and aluminum oxides. The thermal performance of nano (Al 2 O 3 ), hybrid (Al 2 O 3 + CuO) and ternary (Al 2 O 3 +...
by Jervin Zen Lobo, Y. S. Valaulikar
ABSTRACT: In this paper, we shall extend the method of obtaining symmetries of ordinary differential equations to second-order non-homogeneous functional differential equations with variable coefficients....
by Manas Kumar Giri, Raghavendar K
ABSTRACT: This study focuses on analyzing the inclusion properties of a certain subclass of analytic functions. This study examines the Hohlov integral transform, which is associated with the normalized...
by Haider Abbas Rizvi, Mijanur Rahaman, Imran Ali
ABSTRACT: In this work, a co-variational inequality problem and a co-resolvent equation problem are introduced and investigated. It is shown that the fixed point problem is equivalent to the problem of...
by Wafa Shammakh, Hanan A. Alyami, Hadeel Z. Alzumi
ABSTRACT: The main purpose of this study is to investigate the existence and uniqueness of solutions to a nonlocal boundary value problem. This newly defined class involves nonlinear fractional differential...
by Trust Tawanda, Santosh Kumar, Elias Munapo, Philimon Nyamugure
ABSTRACT: Determining the maximum flow value in Water Supply Networks (WSN) is a common problem that is being faced by many cities during and after designing of WSN. In this article, the network...
by P. Reka, S. P. Soundariya
ABSTRACT: This article presents a novel classification of Antimagic labeling referred to as Palindromic antimagic. Palindromic Antimagic labeling pertains to the assignment of palindromic numbers {℘ 1 , ℘ 2...
by K. Fayaz Ur Rahman, N. Kalaivani, G. Shanmugasundar, H. B. Michael Rajan, Muniyandy Elangovan
ABSTRACT: The main intention of this article is to propose the theory of a neutrosophic S β F contra continuous function, neutrosophic strongly S β F continuous function, neutrosophic strongly S β...
by Abdullahi Rashid Adem, Anjan Biswas, Yakup Yildirim, Ali Saleh Alshomrani
ABSTRACT: The current paper revisits the retrieval of quiescent optical solitons for the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation with nonlinear chromatic dispersion and several forms of self-phase modulation. The...
by Srilekha R, Parthiban V
ABSTRACT: The objective of this work is to solve a coronavirus transmission model using Simulink, a platform for model-based design that facilitates simulation and design at the system level. The simulation...
by K. Sasikala, D. Piriadarshani, Vediyappan Govindan, M. Ijaz Khan, Manish Gupta, Artur Zayniddinovich Koryogdiev, Almetwally M. Mostafa, Nouf F. AlQahtani
ABSTRACT: In this paper the authors discuss a class of differential equations known as neutral delay differential equations (NDDEs) in which the delay occurs in the derivative with the highest order. They...
by Nebiyal A, Swaminathan R, Raja R, Karpagavalli SG
ABSTRACT: According to the broad applicability and advancements made in addressing complex non-linear problems, Researchers have been actively involved in addressing the accurate approaches to solve...
by A. Panneer Selvam, V. Govindaraj
ABSTRACT: In this present article, we inquire into the observability of linear and nonlinear fractional dynamical systems in terms of ψ -Caputo fractional derivative. The observability Grammian matrix,...
by Velmurugan S, Arun kumar S, Udhayakumar R
ABSTRACT: This research aims to analyze the efficiency of triangular and trapezoidal membership functions in forecasting CO 2 , N 2 O, and CH 4 emissions in Indian smart cities. Over 10-years, emissions...
by Jian Yang, Ni Ma
ABSTRACT: To analyze the role of the Belt and Road Initiative in China’s OFDI by applying a double-difference model. To determine the accuracy of the model, using the skewed distribution matching method,...
by Rasulkhozha S. Sharafiddinov
ABSTRACT: There is no single set in a real space, for which an exact mathematical definition would not exist by the mathematical symmetry laws. We discuss a theory in which a real number axis is defined at...
by Séverine Bernard, Alain Pietrus, Watson Sainvil
ABSTRACT: Today, the use of renewable energy sources such as sun, wind and hot water to generate electricity is increasingly becoming a global priority. In this paper, we propose a deterministic dynamical...
by YL Sukestiyarno, Dian Tri Wiyanti, Lathifatul Azizah, Wahyu Widada, Khathibul Umam Zaid Nugroho
ABSTRACT: The training and success of deep learning is strongly influenced by the selection of hyperparameters. This research uses a hybrid method between the genetic algorithm (GA) and long short-term...
by Sethupathi S, Manimaran A
ABSTRACT: The Undeniable Signature Scheme ( USS ) was first introduced by chaum and van in 1989. The advantage of the ( USS ) scheme is the signer’s co-operation during the verification process. In this...
by Abdul Gazir Syarifudin, Intan Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Erma Suwastika
ABSTRACT: Let R be a commutative ring with identity, and P be a prime ideal of R . The prime ideal graph, denoted by Γ p , is the graph where the set of vertices is R /{0} and two vertices are...
by Adebayo Adeniran, Adeniyi Onanaye, Olawale Adeleke, Mathew Odekunle
ABSTRACT: To address the critical threat black pod disease poses to global cocoa production and farmer income, this study developed a novel mathematical model that utilizes a system of ordinary differential...
by Safeer Hussain Khan, Pravin Singh, Shivani Singh, Virath Singh
ABSTRACT: The main purpose of this manuscript is to provide a generalization of the concept of a 2-metric and prove some fixed point results for θ -type contractions. In this paper, we proved that a...
by Islam Samir, Ola El-Sham, Reda El-barkoki, Hamdy M. Ahmed, W. Abbas, M. S. Hashemi
ABSTRACT: The presented research investigates the (2+1)-dimensional perturbed nonlinear Schrödinger model. This model takes into account various effects such as fourth order dispersion, intermodal...
by A. Kalaiyarasi, V. Joseph Raj, S. Sindu Devi, V. J. Joliz Anton
ABSTRACT: Artificial Intelligence Solution is given for Relaxation Oscillation Equation, which is one of the simplest Fractional Differential Equation. Artificial Intelligence solution has been identified...
by Ahmed M. Elaiw, Noura H. AlShamrani, Amani S. AlSulami, Aatef D. Hobiny
ABSTRACT: Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) coinfection models with simply an antibody response or a CTL response have been the subject of several...
by Dorathy Cathrine A, Raja R, Swaminathan R
ABSTRACT: A theoretical analysis is conducted on the electrochemical behaviour of micro disk electrodes coated with thin coatings of electroactive polymers. The main focus of efforts to characterize the...
by Sandhya Rani, Venkata Ramana Reddy, W Sridhar, Ali Akgül, Abdulrhman M Alsharari, Jihad Asad
ABSTRACT: The current investigation explores the hybrid Casson nanofluid stagnation point flow on a transient stretching surface under the impact of thermal radiation. The Joule heating effect is also...
by Sundarapandiyan S, Nandhini S
ABSTRACT: This paper deals with an M/G/1 feedback retrial G-queue and delayed repair incorporating Bernoulli working vacation. Arrivals of both favorable and unfavorable consumers are two independent...
by Ioannis K. Argyros, Jinny Ann John, Jayakumar Jayaraman
ABSTRACT: In various scientific and engineering fields, many applications can be simplified as the task of solving equations or systems of equations within a carefully chosen abstract space. However,...
by Juan Pablo Díaz, Gabriela Hinojosa
ABSTRACT: In this paper, we give a generalization of Ivanšić's method for hyperbolic 3-manifolds without boundary, which allows us to recognize if a hyperbolic 3-manifold with totally geodesic boundary,...
by H. M. Ahmed, W. M. Abd-Elhameed
by Anwar Ja'afar Mohamad Jawad, Yakup Yildirim, Anjan Biswas, Ali Saleh Alshomrani
ABSTRACT: This paper recovers the spectrum of optical solitons for the dispersive concatenation model with the application of the Sardar sub-equation approach. The single soliton solutions that emerge from...
by Surendra Vikram Singh Padiyar, Vipin Chandra Kuraie, Deepa Makholia, S. R. Singh, Vaishali Singh, Navneet Joshi
ABSTRACT: Effective inventory management is crucial for businesses dealing with deteriorating items, where demand is influenced not only by traditional factors but also dependent on the selling price. This...
by Jingwei Jia, Nian Wang, Yang Liu, Hong Li
ABSTRACT: In this article, we propose a spatial two-grid finite element algorithm combined with a shifted convolution quadrature (SCQ) formula for solving the fractional Klein-Gordon equation. The time...
by Deep Singh, Harsh Mishra, Vitsoto Luho, Amit Paul
ABSTRACT: Boolean functions play an important role in the design of secure cryptosystems and code division multiple access (CDMA) communication. Several possible generalizations of Boolean functions have...
by Ahmed H. Arnous, Anjan Biswas, Yakup Yildirim, Ali Saleh Alshomrani
ABSTRACT: This paper investigates the significance of the dispersive concatenation model, incorporating the Kerr law of self-phase modulation in the presence of white noise. Our methodology relies on the...
by Satyanarayana Gunupusala, Shahu Chatrapathi Kaila
ABSTRACT: Computer networks rely on Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPSs) to ensure the security, reliability, and availability of an organization. In recent years,...
by A. Mohamed Ali, S. Rajkumar
by K. Pavani, K. Raghavendar, K. Aruna
ABSTRACT: Reaction-diffusion partial differential equations are among the most widely used equations in applied mathematical modelling. In this study, we examine the solutions of one such equation, namely,...
by Xiaoyuan Yang
by AN. Surya, J. Vimala, K. Ashma Banu
ABSTRACT: The hypersoft set theory is an extension of soft set theory. The complex non-linear diophantine fuzzy set is a hybrid fuzzy extension that serves as a generalization of the q-rung linear...
by Koon Sang Wong, Zabidin Salleh, Habibulla Akhadkulov
ABSTRACT: Our manuscript puts forward two novel fuzzy proximal contractive conditions. First, we present two variants of fuzzy α-proximal quasi- H -contractions and establish optimal coincidence point...
by Ahmed M. Elaiw, Amani S. Alsulami, Aatef D. Hobiny
ABSTRACT: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is RNA virus which causes the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). SARS-CoV-2 infects the epithelial (target) cells by binding its...
by Mohammad Reza Rahmati
ABSTRACT: We present two alternative and new proofs for the duality between orbifold zeta functions of Berglund-Hubsch dual invertible polynomials. We re-prove the following theorem; Assume W and W T...
by Alexandru Hofman, Radu Precup
ABSTRACT: The paper presents a vector approach to control problems for systems of equations. The method is described in the case of Kolmogorov systems which arise frequently in the dynamics of populations....
by Indumathi P , Karthikeyan K
by Mohd Khalid, Ishfaq Ahmad Mallah, Subhash Alha, Ali Akgul
ABSTRACT: This article investigates the use of the Elzaki transform on a generalized composite fractional derivative. To establish the framework for this inquiry, numerous essential lemmas about the Elzaki...
by Bakhtyar Mahmood Rahim, Hero Saremi, Mudhafar Fattah Hama
ABSTRACT: In this paper, we study the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of the initial ideal of binomial edge ideals in degree 2 ([ in < ( J G )] 2 ), and their powers for some classes of graphs. Also, we...
by R. Sarathy, J. Ravi Sankar
by Monal Patel, Falguni Parekh
ABSTRACT: The forecasting of flooding plays a pivotal role in the field of hydrology and serves as an essential measure for preventing any possible flood damage. This study presents an analysis of the...
by Gayathiri V, Manimaran A
ABSTRACT: The study of Sierpiński triangle network and extended Sierpiński graph is quite interesting in the field of fractal networks. In nature, fractal networks (FN) and silicate structure networks ( Sio...
by Pravin Singh, Shivani Singh, Virath Singh
ABSTRACT: In this paper we advocate a new method to compute the eigenmodes of real symmetric positive definite matrices. Our method involves the zeros of a quartic polynomial, shifted inverse iteration and...
by Kanchana M, Kavitha K
ABSTRACT: Neutrosophic Set is an extension of Fuzzy set theory dealts with uncertain environments in Transportation, Decision-making etc. Finding the shortest path for an uncertain environment is one of the...
by Maryam Al-Towailb
ABSTRACT: In this paper, we convert certain dual q -integral equations involving third Jackson q -Bessel functions to the first and second kind Fredholm q -integral equations by extending the...
by S. Jayanthi, H. Niranjan
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of radiation and activation energy on mass transfer nanofluids flowing across an expanding sheet in a vertical direction, as well as joule...
by Jeanpantz Chen
ABSTRACT: This paper introduces asymmetric information into the analysis of cooperative games with agreements implemented by a third party and establishes theoretical models of a one-time information...
by R. A. Adetona, N. Parumasur, P. Singh
ABSTRACT: In this paper, we consider the solution of the space fractional diffusion equation using orthogonal collocation on finite elements (OCFE) with quadratic B-spline basis functions. The main...
by Anwar Ja'afar Mohamad Jawad, Anjan Biswas, Yakup Yildirim, Ali Saleh Alshomrani
ABSTRACT: In this paper, we have secured new optical solitons for the concatenation model with power-law nonlinearity. The traveling wave hypothesis serves as the starting point. To retrieve optical soliton...
by R. M. Hafez, Y. H. Youssri
ABSTRACT: This study explores the spectral Galerkin approach to solving the space-time Schrödinger, wave, Airy, and beam equations. In order to facilitate the creation of a semi-analytical approximation...