On a Model for Solving Mixed Fractional Integro Differential Equation





nonlinear algebraic system, mixed integral equation, mixed fractional integro differential equation, toeplitz matrix method


In this work, the mixed fractional integro differential equation (MfrIo-DE) of the second kind, under certain condition is considered, in the space L2(1, 1)× C [0, T]; T < 1 T is the time. The position kernel k (|x−y|) of IE has a singularity. After integrating and using the properties of fractional integral, we have a MIE in position and time, where the kernel of position takes the singular form k (|x−y|), and the kernel of time takes the singular Abel form (t τ)α1 , 0 < α < 1. Then, using separation of variable method, under certain substitution, we obtain FIE in position, with variable fractional coefficients in time. Using the Toeplitz matrix method (TMM), we have a nonlinear algebraic system (NAS). Moreover, numerical results are obtained and discussed, especially when 0 < α < 1. Also, the solutions of the mixed equation are considered when α = 0, α = 1. Finally, the error estimate, in each case, is computed.




How to Cite

Jan AR. On a Model for Solving Mixed Fractional Integro Differential Equation. Contemp. Math. [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 11 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];5(4):6067-81. Available from: https://ojs.wiserpub.com/index.php/CM/article/view/5603