Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 5 Issue 4 (2024), 4132-6581

Open Access Article

More on Externally q-Hyperconvex Subsets of T0-Quasi-Metric Spaces

by Collins Amburo Agyingi

ABSTRACT: We continue earlier research on T 0 -quasi-metric spaces which are externally q -hyperconvex. We focus on external q -hyperconvex subsets of T 0 -quasi-metric spaces in particular. We...

Open Access Article

Fractional View Analysis of Coupled Whitham-Broer-Kaup Equations Arising in Shallow Water with Caputo Derivative

by Abdulrahman B. M. Alzahrani

ABSTRACT: This research explores the analysis of the nonlinear fractional systems described by the Whitham-Broer-Kaup equations using novel mathematical tools like the Aboodh transform iteration method and...

Open Access Article

On a General Subclass of q-Starlike and q-Convex Analytic Functions

by Amnah E. Shammaky, Tamer M. Seoudy

ABSTRACT: We introduce a certain subclass of analytic functions in the open unit disk U involving the q -derivative operator. Some convolution results and Fekete-Szegö inequalities for the analytic...

Open Access Article

Geometric Vorticity and the Twofold Nature of Orthogonality

by Ioannis Dimitriou

ABSTRACT: Planar vector fields can be visualized using their tangent lines. It is shown that orthogonality between these curves and their associated orthogonal trajectories can be classified as well-ordered...

Open Access Article

Hybrid PLM and ADRC Control for Sensorless Induction Motor Drive with Nine-Level Converter Employing SVPWM

by Abdellah Oukassi, Zakaria Boulghasoul, Lhoussain El Bahir

ABSTRACT: This paper outlines the design of a predictive controller combined with an active disturbance rejection control (ADRC)-type controller to enhance the dynamic performance of the induction motor...

Open Access Article

Some Parallel Surfaces in Three-Dimensional Minkowski Space as the Discriminant Set of a Certain Family of Functions

by Patriciu Alina-Mihaela

ABSTRACT: In this paper we prove that, in three-dimensional Minkowski space, the family of parallel surfaces to a given surface at a certain distance can be obtained as the discriminant set of a certain...

Open Access Article

Detection of Prenatal Cardiac Disease using Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence

by P. Megana Santhoshi, Guna Sekhar Sajja, Yeswanth Dintakurthy, Manohar G Bali

ABSTRACT: Prenatal cardiac anomalies, commonly referred to as congenital heart defects (CHDs), comprise a spectrum of pathologies that adversely affect cardiac function. There is a correlation between the...

Open Access Article

An Experimental Analysis of Traditional Machine Learning Algorithms for Maize Yield Prediction

by Souand P.G. Tahi, Castro G. Hounmenou, Vinasetan Ratheil Houndji, Romain Glèlè Kakaï

ABSTRACT: Maize plays a significant role in the African diet and is one of the main staple foods in many parts of the continent. Accurate yield estimations ensure an adequate food supply, contributing to...

Open Access Article

Numerical Treatment for the Distributed Order Fractional Optimal Control Coronavirus (2019-nCov) Mathematical Model

by Nehaya R. Alsenaideh, Seham M. Al-Mekhlafi, Saleh M. Hassan, Abdelaziz E. Radwan, Nasser H. Sweilam

ABSTRACT: In this paper, we presented the distributed order fractional optimal control of the Coronavirus (2019-nCov) mathematical model. The distributed order fractional operator is defined in the Caputo...

Open Access Article

Even-Order Delay Differential Equations with p-Laplacian Like Operator: New Oscillation Criteria

by Omar Bazighifan, Anwar Al-Batati, Khalil S. Al-Ghafri, Loredana Florentina Iambor

ABSTRACT: As a pivotal branch within the realm of differential equations, the theory of oscillation holds a crucial position in the exploration of natural sciences and the construction of modern control...

Open Access Article

Machine Learning Regression Models for Predicting Anti-Cancer Drug Properties: Insights from Topological Indices in QSPR Analysis

by Simran Kour, Ravi Sankar J.

ABSTRACT: This study advances the prediction of anti-cancer drug properties by integrating machine learning regression techniques with topological indices derived from hydrogen-depleted molecular graphs....

Open Access Article

Health Insurance Provider Selection Through Novel Correlation Measure of Neutrosophic Sets Using TOPSIS

by B.S. Mahapatra, M.B. Bera, M.K. Mondal, Florentin Smarandache, G.S. Mahapatra

ABSTRACT: Risk monitoring aims to recognize and control potential threats to our assets or health activities. Insurance is vital, as it compensates for any unexpected loss of property or life. Clients...

Open Access Article

Optimizing Group Size using Percentile Based Group Acceptance Sampling Plans with Application

by Abdullah M. Almarashi, Khushnoor Khan

ABSTRACT: The present paper focuses on optimizing the sample size and the acceptance number which are commonly known as design parameters for the group acceptance sampling plan ( GASP ). Design parameters...

Open Access Article

The Control Policy M/M/c/N Interrelated Queue with Manageable Incoming Rates, Reverse Balking and Impatient Customers

by Immaculate Samuel, Rajendran Paramasivam

ABSTRACT: This study explores an interconnected M / M / c / N queueing model that incorporates reverse balking, reneging, a control technique, and adjustable arrival rates. In reverse balking, the...

Open Access Article

Analysis of Interested Subjects in New Energy Vehicle Industry-Based on Game Theory Perspective

by Zhu Meng

ABSTRACT: This paper analyzes the stakeholders of the new energy vehicle industry strategic choices in market competition using Nash equilibrium and cooperative game theory from game theory, employing...

Open Access Article

Dynamics and Bifurcations in Fractional Lozi Map

by Sumit S. Pakhare, Prashant M. Gade

ABSTRACT: We propose a fractional version of the Lozi map. The Lozi map is quite similar to the Henon map except that the square term of the Henon map is replaced by a linear term in the Lozi map. This map...

Open Access Article

Fixed Point Results for Generalized (α, β)-Nonexpansive Type-1 Mapping in Hyperbolic Space

by Asifa Tassaddiq, Sehar Afsheen, Irfana Ashraf, Amna Kaslsoom, Pakeeza Ashraf, Shazia Kanwal

ABSTRACT: In this article, we define several fundamental characteristics and put forward some basic fixed point results in the context of hyperbolic space for generalized ( α, β )-nonexpansive type-1...

Open Access Article

Solving Multi-objective Bi-item Capacitated Transportation Problem with Fermatean Fuzzy Multi-Choice Stochastic Mixed Constraints Involving Normal Distribution

by Elakkiya Kumar, Anuradha Dhanapal

ABSTRACT: The transportation problem (TP) is an important type of linear programming problem. The aim of TP is to optimize the objective function by allocating product shipments from various sources to...

Open Access Article

Perfect Coloring of Graphs Related to Irreducible Fullerenes in Carbon Structures

by Mehdi Alaeiyan, Mozhgan Keyhani, Murtadha Ali Shabee‏b

ABSTRACT: Fullerenes are polyhedral molecules composed solely of carbon atoms, available in various sizes and shapes. These structures can also be depicted as graphs, with the vertices symbolizing the atoms...

Open Access Article

Controllability of Impulsive Nonlinear Fractional Dynamical System with Delays in State and Control

by G. Arthi , S. Gopika

ABSTRACT: In this paper, the controllability of nonlinear impulsive fractional dynamical system with delays in state and control is analyzed by using a delayed Mittag Leffler ( M-L ) function....

Open Access Article

Two Iterates of Symmetric Generalized Skew 3-Derivation

by Abu Zaid Ansari, Suad Alrehaili, Faiza Shujat

ABSTRACT: Our goal in this study is to validate the following finding: Assume that a prime ring R having , D is a symmetric skew 3-derivation on R with automorphisms α. If ∇ 1 , ∇ 2 : R 3 → R...

Open Access Article


by Mohammad Zailai

ABSTRACT: We call a map f : X → Y D -continuous if its restriction to any set of points that do not possess compact neighborhoods is continuous. We investigate this weaker version of continuity and...

Open Access Article

Deriving Optimal Skew Polycyclic Codes Over Fq Using Skew Polycyclic Linear Codes Over R = R1 ×R2 ×R3

by Sassia Makhlouf, Karima Chatouh

ABSTRACT: This paper investigates the theory and applications of linear and skew polycyclic codes over the ring = 1 × 2 × 3, where i (0 ≤ i ≤ 3) are finite commutative rings. We first...

Open Access Article

A Mixed Neuro Graph Approach with Gradient Boosting to Hybrid Job-Shop Scheduling to Minimize a Regular Function of Job Completion Times and Numbers of Used Machines

by Yuri Sotskov, Alexey Mikhaylov, Lyailya Mutaliyeva, Diana Stepanova, Tsangyao Chang, Sergey Barykin, Mahmoud Zadehbagheri

ABSTRACT: The paper considers a multi-stage processing system including sets of identical (parallel) machines and a set of dedicated machines processing different operations of the given jobs in any sectors...

Open Access Article

Reliable Computational Method for Systems of Fractional Differential Equations Endowed with ψ-Caputo Fractional Derivative

by Mariam Al-Mazmumy, Maryam Ahmed Alyami, Mona Alsulami, Asrar Saleh Alsulami

ABSTRACT: This study develops a highly convergent computational method, the ψ-Laplace Adomian Decomposition Method (ψ-LADM), for solving coupled systems ofψ-Caputo Fractional Differential Equations (FDEs)....

Open Access Article

Painlevé Analysis and Chiral Solitons from Quantum Hall Effect

by Nikolay A. Kudryashov, Anjan Biswas, Qin Zhou, Yakup Yildirim

ABSTRACT: This study examines the generalized Schrödinger equation governing chiral solitons. We assess its integrability using the Painlevé test for nonlinear partial differential equations. Our analysis...

Open Access Article

A Mathematical Model for Controlling SARS-COV 2 by Triplet Oxygen Molecules, Spinning Bubbles and Other Spinors

by Massimo Fioranelli, Phoka C. Rathebe, Alireza Sepehri, Hijaz Ahmad, Aroonkumar Beesham, Alireza Haghpeima

ABSTRACT: Background: One of best ways to repel harmful viruses like corona is using of repulsive force between spinors which are existed within structures of cells and viruses. These spins could be induced...

Open Access Article

Bi-Skew Lie (Jordan) Product on Factor Von Neumann Algebras

by Mohd Arif Raza, Huda Eid Almehmadi

ABSTRACT: In this manuscript, we characterize the bijective mapping   between two von Neumann algebras   and   with dim ⩾ 1. The mapping Λ is to satisfy the following condition on the mixed bi-skew...

Open Access Article

Certain Weighted Fractional Integral Inequalities Involving Convex Functions

by Majid K. Neamah, Alawiah Ibrahim, Tariq A. Aljaaidi, Mohammed S. Abdo

ABSTRACT: A comprehensive examination of applied sciences and their advancement necessitates an expansion of analytical studies. Our objective in this article is to unveil and present a fresh perspective on...

Open Access Article

A Time-Delayed Model and Estimation in Parabolic-Trough Solar Collectors

by Sharefa Asiri

ABSTRACT: The dynamics of the parabolic-trough solar collectors are described by a differential equation model. Based on this model, different control strategies have been proposed to manage the heat...

Open Access Article

Semantic Segmentation Based on Geometric Calibration Using AI and AR in Health Care

by G. Ganesan, S. Poonkuntran

ABSTRACT: In the medical field, medical imaging is essential for precise diagnosis, treatment planning, and condition monitoring. The goal of this work is to improve the field of healthcare imaging by...

Open Access Article

Exact Time-Dependent Thermodynamic Relationships for a Brownian Particle Navigating Complex Networks

by Mesfin Asfaw Taye

ABSTRACT: The thermodynamic characteristics of systems driven out of equilibrium are examined for M Brownian ratchets organized in a complex network. The precise time-dependent solution reveals that the...

Open Access Article

A Class of p-Valent Close-to-Convex Functions Defined Using Gegenbauer Polynomials

by Waleed Al-Rawashdeh

ABSTRACT: A new class of p -valent close-to-convex functions is introduced in this paper, which is defined using Gegenbauer Polynomials within the open unit disk D. This investigation sheds light on the...

Open Access Article

On Convergence of a Novel Jacobian-Free Parametric Iterative Vectorial Schemes

by Gagan Deep, Ioannis K. Argyros

ABSTRACT: In this work, we have proposed a Jacobian free iterative vectorial multiparametric family for solving systems of nonlinear equations. The scheme is obtained by replacing the Jacobian matrix...

Open Access Article

The Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation Derived from the Third Order Korteweg-de Vries Equation Using Multiple Scales Method

by Murat Koparan

ABSTRACT: Nonlinear equations of evolution (NLEE) are mathematical models used in various branches of science. As a result, nonlinear equations of evolution have served as a language for formulating many...

Open Access Article

Optimization of Fuzzy Mathematical Model of Regular Octagon-Shaped Parking Space

by Arun Prasath GM, Saad Salman Ahmed, Bushra Hibras Al Sulaimi, Kamal Kumar M, Madhusudhana Rao B, Alia Khalfan Mohamed Salim Al Rahbi, Sara Ahmed Said Hilal Al Barwani, Abdulmalik Said Harib Hassan Al Hadhrami, Khadija Bilal Yousuf Al Bahrani

ABSTRACT: In the vigorous development of the city population, there is a need to set up clear dimensions for the parking space. Car parking plays a significant part in the residential apartments and...

Open Access Article

Third-Kind Chebyshev Spectral Collocation Method for Solving Models of Two Interacting Biological Species

by M. A. Taema, Y. H. Youssri

ABSTRACT: This paper develops numerical methods for solving a system of two nonlinear integro-differential equations that arise in biological modeling. A spectral collocation method utilizing third-kind...

Open Access Article

Calculus for the Delta Distribution

by Fred Brackx

ABSTRACT: A compendium of interesting identities involving the delta distribution in higher dimensional Euclidean space is presented, ready to use as a reference work whenever modelling with the delta...

Open Access Article

Computing Quadratic Eigenvalues and Solvent by a New Minimization Method and a Split-Linearization Technique

by Chein-Shan Liu, Chung-Lun Kuo, Chih-Wen Chang

ABSTRACT: To solve quadratic eigenvalue problems (QEPs), especially the gyroscopic systems, two methods are proposed: an iterative direct detection method (DDM) of the complex eigenvalues of the original...

Open Access Article

Optimizing Stochastic Transportation Networks with Mixed Constraints Using Pareto Distribution

by Pullooru Bhavana, D Kalpana Priya

ABSTRACT: We propose a novel solution approach combining stochastic programming techniques with Pareto distribution characteristics. This approach involves reformulating the problem into a tractable...

Open Access Article

Application of Sumudu Transform and New Iterative Method to Solve Certain Nonlinear Ordinary Caputo Fractional Differential Equations

by Amandeep Singh, Sarita Pippal

ABSTRACT: By combining the new iteration method (NIM) and Sumudu transform (ST) methods, together known as the new iteration ST method (NISTM), a semi-analytical or series solution for various fractional...

Open Access Article

The Spectra of Multiplication Operators and Weighted Composition Operators on Iterated Weighted-Type Banach Spaces of Analytic Functions

by Shams Alyusof

ABSTRACT: This research aims to analyze the spectral of multiplication operators acting on weighted Banach spaces of analytic functions defined on the unit disk. These spaces, denoted by S n : n ∈ N,...

Open Access Article

Approximate and Exact Solutions of Some Nonlinear Differential Equations Using the Novel Coupling Approach in the Sense of Conformable Fractional Derivative

by Muhammad Imran Liaqat, Ali Akgül

ABSTRACT: Several scientific fields utilize fractional nonlinear partial differential equations to model various phenomena. However, most of these equations lack exact solutions. Consequently, techniques...

Open Access Article

On a Model for Solving Mixed Fractional Integro Differential Equation

by Azhar Rashad Jan

ABSTRACT: In this work, the mixed fractional integro differential equation (MfrIo-DE) of the second kind, under certain condition is considered, in the space L 2 ( − 1 , 1) × C [0 , T ]; T <...

Open Access Article

Characteristic Equations of Chebyshev Polynomials of Third and Fourth Kinds and Their Generating Matrices

by Anu Verma, Pankaj Pandey, Shubham Mishra, Vipin Verma

ABSTRACT: The main goal of the article is to obtain matrix representation for the third and fourth kinds of Chebyshev polynomials by using a tridiagonal matrix. We present a connection between the...

Open Access Article

On the Fekete-Szegö Inequalities of the Generalized Mittag-Leffler Function Associated with a Lambert Series

by Jamal Salah

ABSTRACT: This study aims to investigate the Fekete-Szegö problem for the linear operator generated by the convolution (the Hadamard product) involving one of the generalized forms of the Mittag-Leffler...

Open Access Article

Modeling Occupational Stress on Employee Performance with Mediating and Moderating Roles of Social Support: Structural Equation Modeling and Multivariate Analysis

by KDV Prasad, Shivoham Singh, Rajesh Vaidya, Sripathi Kalavakolanu, Ved Srinivas

ABSTRACT: Purpose: This empirical study investigated the relationship between occupational stress and employee performance and the mediating and moderating effects of social support on the relationship...

Open Access Article

Fekete-Szegö Functional Problem for Analytic and Bi-Univalent Functions Subordinate to Gegenbauer Polynomials

by Omar Alnajar, Ala Amourah, Jamal Salah, Maslina Darus

ABSTRACT: This article aims to introduce a new qualitative subclass of bi-univalent and analytic functions that are intricately linked to Gegenbauer polynomials. These polynomials, known for their...

Open Access Article

Families of Graceful Spiders with 3ℓ, 3ℓ + 2 and 3ℓ – 1 Legs

by N. B. Huamaní, M. Atoche Bravo

ABSTRACT: We say that a tree is a spider if has at most one vertex of degree greater than two. We prove the existence of families of graceful spiders with 3 ℓ , 3 ℓ +2 and 3 ℓ − 1 legs. We provide specific...

Open Access Article

Three-Dimensional Multiphase Peristaltic Flow Through a Porous Medium with Compliant Boundary Walls

by Nouman Ijaz, Ahmed Zeeshan, Safia Batool, M. M. Bhatti, Kh. S. Mekheimer

ABSTRACT: In this communication, we focus on the peristaltic propulsion of multiphase fluid flowing in a three-dimensional rectangular channel with compliant walls. The flow is influenced by porosity and...

Open Access Article

Generation of Fractal Attractor for Controlled Metric Based Dynamical Systems

by C. Thangaraj, R. Valarmathi, D. Easwaramoorthy, D. Ramesh Kumar, Bhagwati Prasad Chamola

ABSTRACT: Mandelbrot initiated the term “Fractal” in 1975, and it has since gained popularity among mathematicians and physicists alike. The mathematical properties of fractals are available and applied in...

Open Access Article

Applications of the Nonstandard Finite Difference Method to a Fractional Model Explaining Diabetes Mellitus and Its Complications

by Said Al Kathiri, Farah Aini Abdullah, Nur Nadiah Abd Hamid, Eihab Bashier, Altaf A Bhat, Danish A Sunny

ABSTRACT: This work examines a mathematical model of diabetes mellitus and its consequences in a population using fractional differential equations. It attempts to solve the problem using a nonstandard way...

Open Access Article

Solutions for a New Fractional Differential Dynamical System and Yosida Quasi-Inverse Variational Inequality in Hilbert Space

by Faizan Ahmad Khan, Ebrahem A. Algehyne, Fahad M. Alamrani, Esmail Alshaban, Adel Alatawi, Saleem K. Aljuhani

ABSTRACT: In this article, first we introduce and study a Yosida Quasi-inverse variational inequality problem (in short, YQIVI) in Hilbert space and then developed a new fractional differential dynamical...

Open Access Article

Efficient Collocation Algorithm for High-Order Boundary Value Problems via Novel Exponential-Type Chebyshev Polynomials

by Galal I. El-Baghdady, Muhammad Sajid Iqbal, Muhammad Zafarullah Baber, Nauman Ahmed, Mohammad Izadi, Waleed Adel

ABSTRACT: This paper presents an innovative collocation algorithm designed to effectively handle a specific class of boundary value problems with high-order characteristics. The approach involves utilizing...

Open Access Article

Numerical Computation and Statistical Interpretations of Heat Transfer of Tween-20/ethyl Acetate Nanofluid Flow with Melting Rheological Quality and Activation Energy

by Aamir Farooq, Sadique Rehman, Mujahid Ullah, M. S. Abbas, K. El-Rashidy, M. Mamun Miah, Mohammad Kanan

ABSTRACT: Tween-20 plays a significant role in the biological, food, and pharmaceutical industries. Additionally, it plays a vital role in improving the quality of reverse mechanisms of multi-drug...

Open Access Article

Kolmogorov-Arnold Representation Based Informed Orchestration in Solving Partial Differential Equations for Carbon Balance Sustainability

by Charles Z. Liu, Farookh Hussain, Ying Zhang, Lu Qin

ABSTRACT: This paper introduces the Kolmogorov-Arnold Credit Informed Network Orchestration (KACINO), a novel framework proposed to comprehensively structure and analyze the carbon dynamic system. By...

Open Access Article

Mathematical Evaluation and Dynamic Transmissions of a Tumor Growth Model Using a Generalized Singular and Non-Local Kernel

by Rakhi Singh, Jyoti Mishra, Ali Akgül, Vijay Kumar Gupta

ABSTRACT: Currently, fractional calculus plays a critical role in improving control techniques, analyzing disease transmission dynamics, and solving several other real-world problems. This research...

Open Access Article

Support Based Essential and Core Based Superfluous Fuzzy Modules

by Abhishek Kumar Rath, A. S. Ranadive, Dragan Pamucar, Dragan Marinković

ABSTRACT: In this paper, we introduce and explore several novel concepts within the framework of fuzzy module theory. First, we define the notion of a support based essential fuzzy module, establishing its...

Open Access Article

New Oscillation Conditions Test for Neutral Differential Equations

by Omar Bazighifan, Anwar Al-Batati, Nawa Alshammari, Loredana Florentina Iambor

ABSTRACT: In this work, we investigate new oscillation conditions of delay differential equations of second-order. We start by finding new relations  and inequalities between the corresponding function...

Open Access Article

Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations with Delay: Closed-Form and Generalized Separable Solutions

by Andrei D. Polyanin, Nikolay A. Kudryashov

ABSTRACT: Nonlinear Schrödinger equations with constant delay are considered for the first time. These equations are generalizations of the classical Schrödinger equation with cubic nonlinearity and the...

Open Access Article

Existence Results for Multivalued Contractive Type Mappings Involving wb -Distances

by Abdul Latif , Ahad Hamoud Alotaibi, Maha Noorwali

ABSTRACT: We present some new results on the existence of fixed points for multivalued contractive type mappings involving generalized distance on metric type spaces. In support of our main results, some...

Open Access Article

Analysis of a Markovian Queue of Single Server Performing in MultiPhase Subject to Disaster, Recovery and Repair

by C.T Dora Pravina, P. Kamala, S. Sreelakshmi

ABSTRACT: In this paper, we can study about Markovian single-server queue with servers in distinct phases of disaster and repair. The server can stay in full-active Phase or passive Phase randomly and...

Open Access Article

Decision-making on A Novel Stochastic Space-I of Solutions for Fuzzy Volterra-Type Non-linear Dynamical Economic Models

by Anas Faiz Alsaedy, Salah H. Alshabhi, Mustafa M. Mohammed, Thwiba A. Khalid, Arafa O. Mustafa, Runda A. A. Bashir, Nidal E. Taha, Awad A. Bakery

ABSTRACT: In this paper, we explain the sufficient conditions on a novel constructed stochastic space by weighted generalized Gamma matrix and variable exponent sequence spaces of fuzzy functions, for the...

Open Access Article

Certain Class of P-Valent Analytic Function Associated with Derivative Operator and Their Properties

by Ma'moun I. Y. Alharayzeh

ABSTRACT: This study aims to define a new subclass of multivalent analytic functions in the open unit disk. Jackson's derivative operator has been used to generate this subclass. Before getting coefficient...

Open Access Article

Solving Minimum Cost Flow Problem under Neutrosophic Environment Using the Lexicographic Approach

by Shubham Kumar Tripathi, Ranjan Kumar

ABSTRACT: In decision-making, linear programming is one of the most useful models for obtaining the optimal solution. A crucial element of the linear programming (LP) model is the minimum cost flow (MCF)....

Open Access Article

Geometric Features of a Multivalent Function Pertaining to Fractional Operators

by K. Divya Priya, K. Thilagavathi

ABSTRACT: The Prabhakar fractional operator is commonly acclaimed as the queen model of fractional calculus. The distinction between univalent and multivalent functions became more formalized as part of the...

Open Access Article

Caputo Fractional Order Nonlinear Incidence HIV Infection Model with Optimal Control

by David Yaro, Saviour Worlanyo Akuamoah, Samuel Asante Gyamerah, Francois Mahama, Ebenezer Asabre

ABSTRACT: Examining mathematical models is a crucial aspect of research in comprehending the dynamics and managing the transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). This study presents a Caputo...

Open Access Article

Controllability of Impulsive Damped Fractional Order Systems Involving State Dependent Delay

by Arthi G., Vaanmathi M.

ABSTRACT: In this article, the concept of controllability on fractional order impulsive systems involving state dependent delay and damping behavior is analysed by utilizing Caputo fractional derivative....

Open Access Article

Theta Pairing of Hypersurface Rings

by Mohammad Reza Rahmati

ABSTRACT: In this article, we prove a conjecture on the positive definiteness of the Hochster Theta pairing over a general isolated hypersurface singularity, namely: Let R be an admissible isolated...

Open Access Article

Fractal Dimension Through Numerical Integration of Fractal Interpolation Functions

by M. P. Aparna, P. Paramanathan

ABSTRACT: The initial objective of the paper is to propose an explicit relationship between the fractal dimension and fractal numerical integration of curves approximated through fractal interpolation from...

Open Access Article

Decision-Making of Fredholm Operator on a New Variable Exponents Sequence Space of Supply Fuzzy Functions Defined by Leonardo Numbers

by Salah H. Alshabhi, OM Kalthum S. K. Mohamed, Mustafa M. Mohammed, Thwiba A. Khalid, Arafa O. Mustafa, Mona Magzoub, Khdija O. Taha, Awad A. Bakery

ABSTRACT: In this article, we will use a weighted regular matrix formed by Leonardo numbers and variable exponent sequence spaces to build a new stochastic space. We have proposed various geometric and...

Open Access Article

Asymptotic Behavior of Trajectories in Some Models of Ecnomic Dynamics

by S. I. Hamidov

ABSTRACT: Asymptotic behavior of trajectories in Neumann type models of economic dynamics with average growth rate is studied. Index set is introduced and the sequence of cones generated by the cone Z of...

Open Access Article

Bayesian Modeling of INGARCHX Models for Cellulitis Related to Meteorological Factors in Mahasarakham and Roi-Et Hospitals

by Khemmanant K, Kunwithree P, Sujitta S

ABSTRACT: The objective of this research is to develop integer-valued generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (INGARCH) models to represent the weekly incidence of cellulitis cases in...

Open Access Article

Application of Natural Transform Decomposition Method for Solution of Fractional Richards Equation

by K. Raghavendar, K. Pavani, K. Aruna, N. I. Okposo, M. Inc

ABSTRACT: This study employs the natural transform decomposition method (NTDM) to examine analytical solutions of the nonlinear time-fractional Richards equation (TFRE). The NTDM is an innovative and...

Open Access Article

Unveiling of Highly Dispersive Dual-Solitons and Modulation Instability Analysis for Dual-Mode Extension of a Non-Linear Schrödinger Equation

by Abeer S. Khalifa, Hamdy M. Ahmed, Niveen M. Badra, Wafaa B. Rabie

ABSTRACT: The two-mode equations are nonlinear models that describe the behavior of two-way waves moving simultaneously while being affected by confined phase velocity. This article expands a non-linear...

Open Access Article

Modelling Climate Change in a Stochastic Extreme Values Framework

by Mathieu Tiene, Diakarya Barro

ABSTRACT: This article presents a contribution to modelling of rainfall hazards in a stochastic framework. The independence of the realizations of a process conditionally on the latent random effect, which...

Open Access Article

Study of multiobjective fractional variational formulation using η-Approximation Method

by Sony Khatri, Purusotham Singamsetty

ABSTRACT: This paper investigates the idea of the η -approximated technique for converting the nonlinear and nonconvex multiobjective fractional variational dual problems (MFP) and (MFD) with inequality...

Open Access Article

A Wavelet Multi-Scale Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Approach for Financial Time Series Modeling

by Anouar Ben Mabrouk, Abdulaziz M. Alanazi; Adel R. Alharbi; Amer Aljaedi

ABSTRACT: Fuzzy logic has been introduced as a modeler suitable for many situations where the data may be uncertain, and difficult to be described via the existing exact and analytic tools. However,...

Open Access Article

Essential Analysis of New SEVIR Model: A Five Case Epidemic Model

by Kalpana Umapathy, Balaganesan Palanivelu, Prasantha Bharathi Dhandapani, Udhayakumar Ramalingam

ABSTRACT: In this work, we introduce a new SEVIR epidemic model to analyze the dynamics of infectious diseases by incorporating the key compartments such as susceptible, exposed, vaccinated, infected, and...

Open Access Article

A Generalized Number-Theoretic Transform for Efficient Multiplication in Lattice Cryptography

by Ahmad Al Badawi, Sze Ling Yeo, Mohd Faizal Bin Yusof

ABSTRACT: The Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) has emerged as a powerful tool for efficiently computing convolutions of digital signals, due to its inherent advantages such as numerical stability, reliance...

Open Access Article

Estimation of Tensile Strength of Carbon Fibers Using Exponentiated Exponential Weibull-Dagum Distribution Model (EEWD) and Its Properties

by Vidya P, Parthiban S

ABSTRACT: The tensile strength of Carbon fibers was investigated. Tested EEWD distribution ability to fit with data and observed the skewness of data. The T-R{.} framework has been recently used to...

Open Access Article

Geometric Properties and Neighborhoods of Certain Subclass of Analytic Functions Defined by Using Bell Distribution

by Ala Amourah, Omar Alnajar, Jamal Salah, Maslina Darus

ABSTRACT: A differential operator is defined on an open unit disk D using the innovative Bell Distribution operator. This operator introduces a new perspective in the study of complex functions within the...

Open Access Article

Analyzing Feedback M/G/1 Double Retrial Orbit with Two-Phase Optional Service and Repair under Working Vacation Policy

by A. Baskar, M. C. Saravanarajan

ABSTRACT: This research presents a comprehensive analysis of the M / G / 1 double retrial queue model with a two-phase optional service and repair, under a working vacation policy. The model addresses...

Open Access Article

Derivation of Sawada-Kotera and Kaup-Kupershmidt Equations KdV Flow Equations from Modified Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation (MNLS)ns from Modfied Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation (MNLS)

by Murat Koparan

ABSTRACT: Mathematical models of problems that arise in almost every branch of science are nonlinear evolution equations (NLEE). As a result, nonlinear evolution equations have served as a language for...

Open Access Article

An Inverse Inequality for Fractional Sobolev Norms in Unbounded Domains

by Radostin H. Lefterov, Todor D. Todorov

ABSTRACT: The nonlocal operators have found applications in various areas of contemporary science. The anomalous diffusion phenomena have been modeled by the fractional Poisson boundary-value problem....

Open Access Article

Statistical Evaluation of Survival Rates in Lung Cancer Utilizing Gaussian and Logistic Regression Techniques

by Pitta Shankaraiah, Mokesh Rayalu. G

ABSTRACT: Cancer is the second most prevalent cause of mortality globally as per the World Health Organization. Among the various types of cancer, lung cancer is particularly fatal and ranks third in terms...

Open Access Article

MGT Photothermal Model Incorporating a Generalized Caputo Fractional Derivative with a Tempering Parameter: Application to an Unbounded Semiconductor Medium

by Ahmed E. Abouelregal, Yazeed Alhassan, Salman S. Alsaeed, Marin Marin, Mohamed E. Elzayady

ABSTRACT: This work introduces a novel approach to modeling the photothermal behavior of semiconducting materials by developing a Moore-Gibson-Thompson (MGT) fractional photothermal model that incorporates...

Open Access Article

On Existence of Fixed Points for Multivalued Contractive Type Mappings in Quasi-Metric Spaces

by Abdul Latif , Nadiah Zafer Al-shehri, Monairah Omar Alansari

ABSTRACT: We present fixed point results for multivalued contractive type mappings via Q -function on quasi-metric spaces. Our main results supported with example. Consequently, our results either improve...

Open Access Article

On the Solutions of Nonlinear Implicit ω-Caputo Fractional Order Ordinary Differential Equations with Two-Point Fractional Derivatives and Integral Boundary Conditions in Banach Algebra

by Yousuf Alkhezi, Yahia Awad, Karim Amin, Ragheb Mghames

ABSTRACT: This article delves into the analysis of nonlinear implicit ω-Caputo fractional-order ordinary differential equations (NLIFDEs) with two-point fractional derivatives and integral boundary...

Open Access Article

Parameter Identification and Prediction of the Rőssler System with Complete and Incomplete Information: Two Known and One Unknown State Variables

by G. T. Sedebo, T. T. Mthombeni, M. Y. Shatalov, A. A. Adeniji

ABSTRACT: Parameters identification algorithms are formulated for the system of equations of Rőssler's type. The problem is solved for the cases of complete and incomplete information about functions of the...

Open Access Article

On Impulsive Nonlocal Nonlinear Fuzzy Integro-Differential Equations in Banach Space

by Najat H.M Qumami, R. S. Jain, B. Surendranath Reddy

ABSTRACT: The aim of this article is to investigate the existence, uniqueness and other qualitative properties of the solution of first-order nonlocal impulsive nonlinear fuzzy integro-differential...

Open Access Article

Some Identities for the (a, b; k)-Nacci Sequences

by Monrudee Sirivoravit, Utsanee Leerawat

ABSTRACT: In this paper, we introduce a generalization of the k -generalized Fibonacci sequence, called the ( a , b ; k )- nacci sequence , where a and b are real numbers and k ≥ 2 is an integer....

Open Access Article

Peristaltic Transport of a Jeffrey Nanofluid in a Vertical Layer with Suction and Injection: Effect of Velocity No-Slip, Temperature and Concentration with Application

by S. Sivaranjani, A. Kavitha

ABSTRACT: This study explores the peristaltic motion of a Jeffrey nanofluid in a vertical channel, as well as the effects of suction and injection at the walls. The non-Newtonian behavior of the fluid is...

Open Access Article

A Bayesian Shrinkage Approach for the Inverse Weibull Distribution under the Type-II Censoring Schemes

by Mojtaba Delavari, Zahra Khodadadi, Karim Zare, Einolah Deiri, Abdol Rasoul Ziaei

ABSTRACT: One main challenge in the application of the lifetime distribution models, such as inverse Weibull (IW) distribution is the need for an appropriate estimation method based on experimental...

Open Access Article

Sequential Kannan Type Contractions in Partial b-Metric Spaces

by Yaé U. Gaba, Collins A. Agyingi

ABSTRACT: This paper presents the concept of the "sequential condition" in the context of fixed point results for self-maps in partial b -metric spaces. We demonstrate the existence of a unique fixed point...

Open Access Article

Finite Sum of Integral Operators from the Fractional Cauchy Spaces to Bloch-Type and Zygmund-Type Spaces

by Rita A. Hibschweiler, Ajay K. Sharma

ABSTRACT: The family of fractional Cauchy transforms, defined on the open unit disc in the complex plane, is of classical and modern interest. Membership of an analytic function in the family is determined...

Open Access Article

Inequalities of Coefficients and the Fekete-Szegö Problem Associated with λ-Pseudo Starlike Functions

by Musthafa Ibrahim, Baskaran Sudharsanan, Alina Alb Lupaş, Saravanan Gunasekar, Sibel Yalçin

ABSTRACT: We introduce a new subclass of starlike functions, denoted by , that are influenced by the Janowski functions, which are well-known in the literature. Our main results are the coefficient...

Open Access Article

Regularity of Weak Solutions to a Class of Nonlinear Parabolic Equations in Fractional Sobolev Spaces

by Huimin Cheng, Feng Zhou

ABSTRACT: In this article, we study regularity of weak solutions to a class of nonlinear parabolic equations in divergence form. The main purpose is to present a regularity estimate with more general...

Open Access Article

A Mathematical Model for Inducing Delays in Transmissions of Information Between Spinors Within the Heart, Hemoglobin Molecules and Cells by Mobile Waves

by Massimo Fioranelli, Phoka C. Rathebe, Alireza Sepehri, Aroonkumar Beesham, Alireza Haghp-eima

ABSTRACT: Biological systems like the heart, hemoglobin and cells are built from entangled spinors. Entangled spinors exchange information through two ways: (i) Spinor waves with the velocity of infinity;...

Open Access Article

Goal Programming Model Using Data Envelopment Analysis for Human Development Index

by Yasmine Salama, Ramadan Hamed, Mahmoud Rashwan

ABSTRACT: United Nations' Human Development Index measures human development and has significant positive correlation with abundance in natural resource. Data Envelopment Analysis is used for composite...

Open Access Article

Coefficient Estimates for New Subclasses of Bi-Univalent Functions Associated with Jacobi Polynomials

by Ala Amourah, Nidal Anakira, Jamal Salah, Ali Jameel

ABSTRACT: Our research introduces new subclasses of analytical functions that are defined by Jacobi polynomials. We then proceed to estimate the Fekete-Szegö functional problem and the Maclaurin...

Open Access Article

Solution of Non-Autonomous Bloch Equation via Multistage Differential Transformation Method

by Noufe H. Aljahdaly, Abrar A. Alharbi, R. A. Alharbey

ABSTRACT: This study explores the multistage differential transformation method (MsDTM) as an efficient approach for solving non-autonomous differential equations. The proposed method demonstrates...

Open Access Article

Investigating the Relationship Between English Twitter Users' Focus Time and Their Psychographic Characteristics

by S. Indrakala, T. Suguna

ABSTRACT: A person's emotional state toward the past and future might be revealed by their "temporal distance" (TD), a psychological measure. There isn't a lot of real-world research on how to measure...

Open Access Article

Stable Truncated Trigonometric Moment Problems

by Luminita Lemnete Ninulescu

ABSTRACT: Let ,   be an one dimensional complex sequence of degree at most 2 n . In the present paper we give a necessary condition such that  admits on an atomic representing measure with a finite...

Open Access Article

Novel Temperature-Based Topological Indices for Certain Convex Polytopes

by Sakander Hayat, Muhammad Yasir Hayat Malik, Saima Fazal

ABSTRACT: A topological index is a number that assists in understanding various physical characteristics, chemical reactivities, and boiling activities of a chemical compound by characterizing the whole...

Open Access Article

Using Skew Cyclic Codes Over R = R1×R2×R3 to Detect Skew Cyclic Codes Over Fq

by Ouarda Haddouche, Karima Chatouh

ABSTRACT: This article investigates linear codes over the ring , focusing on the properties and structure of skew cyclic codes within this framework. We explore various algebraic features of these codes,...

Open Access Article

Impact of Imputation on Performance of Goodness-of-Fit Tests for the Logistic Panel Data Model

by Opeyo Peter Otieno, Cheng Weihu, Randa A. Makled

ABSTRACT: Goodness-of-fit tests aim at discerning model misspecification and identifying a model which is poorly fitting a given data set. They are methods used to determine the suitability of the fitted...

Open Access Article

Structure of (σ, ρ)-n-Derivations on Rings

by Abu Zaid Ansari, Faiza Shujat, Ahlam Fallatah

ABSTRACT: The goal of this research is to describe the structure of Jordan ( σ, ρ )- n -derivations on a prime ring. By ( σ, ρ )- n -derivations, we mean n -additive maps ℑ : R n → R  satisfying...

Open Access Article

Existence Results and Trajectory Controllability of Conformable Hilfer Fractional Neutral Stochastic Integro-differential Equations

by A. Jalisraj, R. Udhayakumar

ABSTRACT: This manuscript commits to analyzing the existence and uniqueness of mild solution and trajectory controllability of conformable Hilfer fractional neutral stochastic integro-differential system...

Open Access Article

A Multi-Model Survival Analysis of Lung Cancer Using Parametric Techniques

by Pitta Shankaraiah, Mokesh Rayalu. G

ABSTRACT: Lung cancer remains one of the leading causes of cancer-related mortality worldwide, underscoring the critical need for effective prognostic tools. This study utilizes survival analysis to explore...

Open Access Article

Biharmonic Extensions on Infinite Trees

by Ibtesam Bajunaid

ABSTRACT: In the investigation of harmonic and potential functions on the Euclidean spaces, the Runge-type approximation theorem and Laurent decomposition theorem for harmonic functions are important. Their...

Open Access Article

On q Sturm Liouville Operator with Periodic Boundary Conditions

by Olgun Cabri, Suayip Toprakseven

ABSTRACT: In this study, we consider q -Sturm Liouville operator with periodic boundary conditions. An asymptotic expression of the solution is obtained. With the help of this asymptotic representation, an...

Open Access Article

Decision-Making on Deferred Statistical Convergence of Measurable Functions of Two Variables

by Devia Narrania, Kuldip Raj, Sunil K. Sharma, Thwiba A. Khalid, Arafa O. Mustafa, Runda A. A. Bashir, Mustafa M. Mohammed, Awad A. Bakery

ABSTRACT: In this paper, we define and study strongly deferred Cesàro summable, strongly Cesàro summable, m -statistical convergence and m -deferred statistical convergence of real-valued Lebesgue...

Open Access Article

On the Existence of Solutions to a Fractional Hybrid Thermostat Model

by Kiran Kumar Saha, N. Sukavanam

ABSTRACT: This work is concerned with the existence of solutions to a nonlinear fractional hybrid thermostat model in the settings of Atangana-Baleanu derivatives. We also consider the boundary conditions...

Open Access Article

A φ-Contractivity Fixed Point Theory and Associated φ-Invariant Self-Similar Sets

by Nifeen H. Altaweel

ABSTRACT: In this paper, we apply a generalized variant of the concept of fixed point theory due to contraction mappings on metric spaces to construct a general class of iterated function systems relative...

Open Access Article

Dynamic Analysis of Extinction and Stationary Distribution of a Stochastic Dual-Strain SEIR Epidemic Model with Double Saturated Incidence Rates

by S. Saravanan, C. Monica

ABSTRACT: This study aims to enhance and extend the mathematical model of a dynamic stochastic dual-strain SEIR epidemic with a double-saturated incidence rate. The model is represented by a nonlinear...

Open Access Article

An Axial-Vector Photon in a Mirror World

by Rasulkhozha S. Sharafiddinov

ABSTRACT: We discuss a theory in which the left- and right-handed axial-vector photons refer to long- and short-lived bosons of true neutrality, respectively. Such a difference in lifetimes expresses the...

Open Access Article

On Single-Valued Neutrosophic Soft Filter Convergence

by Fahad Alsharari

ABSTRACT: The concept of single-valued neutrosophic soft filters plays a crucial role in the study of topological spaces. Extensive research has led to several generalizations of these filters, highlighting...

Open Access Article

Black-Box Adversarial Attacks Against SQL Injection Detection Model

by Maha Alqhtani, Daniyal Alghazzawi , Suaad Alarifi

ABSTRACT: Structured Query Language (SQL) injection attacks represent a substantial threat to the security of web applications, making the development of effective detection techniques crucial. These...

Open Access Article

Airport Flight-Gate Allocation Assignment Using Local Antimagic Vertex Coloring

by G. Muthumanickavel, M. Nalliah

ABSTRACT: The management of aviation gate assignments may significantly affect the overall productivity of an airport. This work presents a novel approach to enhancing gate assignment algorithms. The...

Open Access Article

Optimizing Factory Workers Work Shifts Scheduling Using Local Antimagic Vertex Coloring

by G. Muthumanickavel, M. Nalliah

ABSTRACT: Optimization of industrial processes, reduction of worker costs, and protection of workers well-being are significantly dependent on effective work shifts scheduling. This article introduces a new...

Open Access Article

A Semi-Analytical Solution to a Generalized Nonlinear Van Der Pol Equation in Plasma By MsDTM

by Noufe Aljahdaly

ABSTRACT: This article examines the effectiveness of the multistage differential transform method (MsDTM) in solving equations with a very strong nonlinear term. It introduces MsDTM as a method for...

Open Access Article

New Solutions to the Fractional Perturbed Chen Lee Liu Model with Time-Dependent Coefficients: Applications to Complex Phenomena in Optical Fibers

by Farah M. Al-Askar

ABSTRACT: In this paper, we consider the fractional perturbed Chen Lee Liu model with time-dependent coefficients (FPCLLM-TDCs). We apply the mapping method in order to get hyperbolic, elliptic,...