Fine Chemical Engineering is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal which is semi-yearly published online. It is an essential journal for chemical engineers, chemists, biologists, materials and environmental scientists, physicists and other researchers in cross-disciplinary areas, which represents the cutting-edge research on fine chemicals, and promotes the development of science and technology, optimization strategies, analysis, applications and life-cycle scrutiny of such chemicals.
The following aspects of the science and engineering of fine chemicals are of particular welcome:
Experiments, theory, manufacturing and application of fine chemicals: electronic chemicals, plant extracts, chiral chromatography, molecular docking, medicines, small molecule drugs, pesticides, surfactants, synthetic dyes, pigments, food additives, feed additives, adhesives, household chemicals, information chemicals, platform chemicals, Biochemicals and organics, fine chemical intermediates and other specialty chemicals;
Functional materials: electronic materials and deviceization, information storage materials and technology, precision medicine and biology materials, membrane materials, etc.
Fine chemical technology: reaction engineering and computational simulation; catalysis, separation, enantioseparation and purification technology; green and sustainable technology; electrochemical/photochemical technology, etc.
Environmental chemical engineering: environmental chemical and process engineering, water treatment chemicals and technology; pollution remediation; resource recovery and recycle technology; sensors for hazardous chemicals, etc.
The journal publishes original research articles, reviews, mini-reviews, short reports, perspectives, case study, viewpoints and letters.