by B. Igliński, G. Piechota, P. Iwański
ABSTRACT: Modification of conventional citric acid technology has been proposed. Calcium citrate was converted into sodium citrate, which then went through electrodialysis with a bipolar membrane. The...
by M Z Bin Mukhlish, Maksudur Rahman Khan, M S Islam, M I Nazir, J S Snigdha, R Akter, H Ahmad
ABSTRACT: Removal of reactive dyes from wastewater is a great environmental concern. Attempts were made to study the performance of a coupling process of coagulation-flocculation (CF) and photochemical...
by Wojciech Zapała, Piotr Ziobrowski, Lidia Zapała, Marcin Chutkowski
ABSTRACT: In this work the effect of mobile phase composition and temperature on the retention behavior of several test compounds (including non-polar and polar substances) on diol-Acclaim Mixed Mode...
by Paweł Iwański, Bartłomiej Igliński, Grzegorz Piechota
ABSTRACT: The article presents carbonization as a method of waste management from the brine sodium-lime method. It was compared with the previously obtained results for the lye-sodium one. Within it, the...
by M. Sarkarzadeh, Mohammad Farsi
ABSTRACT: The main object of this research is the modification of an industrial hydrogen production unit with palladium-based membrane modules to produce extra-pure hydrogen and shift reactions toward the...
by M. Farsi
ABSTRACT: The main aim of this research is to present an optimization procedure based on the integration of operability framework and multi-objective optimization concepts to find the single optimal...