Message from the Editor-in-Chief


I am truly honoured to have been selected as the new Editor-in-Chief of the Universal Journal of Catalysis Science (UJCS). I am also very proud to be working in tandem with an outstanding team of Associate Editors and members of the Editorial Board. The latter has been selected as a balanced global representation of the leadership in Catalysis. This will be a unique journal of Catalysis science where we expect to receive high-quality research, review, and perspective manuscript related to catalysis. The experienced editorial team is fully engaged and committed to the success of this great journal. We celebrate the launch of this new journal, Universal Journal of Catalysis Science (UJCS), with profound pleasure, humility, and anticipation. On behalf of the UJCS Editorial Team, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to the readership of UJCS. I take this opportunity to thank our authors, editors and anonymous reviewers, all of whom have volunteered to contribute to the journal's success.


The topics covered in the journal include but are not limited to Heterogeneous and Homogeneous catalysis, Thermocatalysis and Photocatalysis, Biocatalysts, enzymes, enzyme catalysis; Kinetics of catalytic reactions; Computational catalysis; Organocatalysis, catalysis in organic and polymer chemistry. We would also like to include the topics from basic and translational catalysis, which aim to develop and understand catalysts' major applications and development, including industrial and environmental applications.


We welcome contributions that can demonstrate the near-term practical usefulness of catalysts, particularly contributions that take a multidisciplinary/convergent approach because many real-world problems are complex in nature.


UJCS provides an ideal forum for exchanging information on all the above topics and more in various formats: full length and letter length research papers, work-in-progress reports on promising developments, case studies / best practice articles written by industry experts, and up-and-coming technological breakthroughs as perspective. The journal’s editorial board is strongly convinced that this initiative will provide science-driven, peer-reviewed articles conforming to the scientific community's strict international processes and editorial standards. As Editor-in-Chief, I recognize the value authors place on promptly conducting high-quality and unbiased peer reviews. We have implemented rigorous peer review criteria, which will be reflected in the quality of published articles. We also want to encourage all those interested in being part of this energetic and enthusiastic team to contact us, as we will welcome your contribution. We invite colleagues working in related disciplines to consider our journal as an appropriate medium for publishing your high-quality research. UJCS is committed to publishing all manuscripts receiving a high or top priority recommendation during the review process. To ensure rapid dissemination of information, we aim to complete each paper's review process within 1 month of initial submission. This policy reflects my interest in quickly publishing all manuscripts judged to be the most impactful during the peer review process.


Further, we will periodically issue special calls for papers to modernize and strengthen areas of research and development showcased Catalysts and will be published as special issues. I close this message by inviting everyone to submit their exciting research to UJCS. All papers receiving a high degree of enthusiasm in the peer-review process will find a home in UJCS. Therefore, we are committed to publishing all discoveries, methods, resources, and reviews that significantly advance the field of Catalysis science and its societal applications.


I am excited to be embarking on this very important role. I wish to express my gratitude to the leadership and the selection committee of the UJCS for electing me as the Founding Editor-in-Chief of this influential journal. Once again, I welcome you to this new journal – your journal! With your support as authors, reviewers, and editors, I see very bright prospects for UJCS to serve science and the scientific community even better in the future. Thank you all once again for your amazing support and continued efforts to ensure that the Universal Journal of Catalysis Science is recognized as the leading journal in Catalysis and Chemical Engineering research.


We hope you will find UJCS informative. If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, please address them to:



                                                                                                                                           Founding Editor-in-Chief

                                                                                                                                         Prof. Sudip Chakraborty, Ph.D

                                                                                                                                               University of Calabria