Universal Journal of Financial Economics

ISSN: (Print) 2972-3310 (Online) Description

The Universal Journal of Financial Economics (UJFE) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal of finance and economics published biannually online by Universal Wiser Publisher (UWP).

> fully open access - free for readers
> currently, no article processing charge (APC) paid by authors or their institutions
> double-blind peer-review
> free post-publication promotion service by the Editorial Office

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Open Access Article

Is the GI Bill Enough? An Exploratory Analysis of Student Veteran Borrowing in College

by Kim E. Bullington, Kaycee L. Bills, David J. Thomas, William L. Nuckols, Joshua L. Howell

ABSTRACT: In the United States, many student veterans use their GI Bill benefits to help fund their postsecondary education; however, when the GI Bill is not enough, student veterans may turn to grants and...

Open Access Article

Awareness and Attitude towards Cryptocurrency Adoption among Business Students in Bhutan

by Dawa Drakpa, Yekzin Lhamo, Cheki Wangmo, Tenzin Jamtsho, Jamyang Thaye, Nidup Pelden

ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study is to assess students' level of awareness and attitude toward the intention to adopt cryptocurrency among the students of business colleges at the Royal University of...

Open Access Article

Study on the Reform of the Open Policy of Utilizing Foreign Investment in China's Leasing and Business Service Industry

by Jian Yang, Yu Feng

ABSTRACT: The utilization of foreign capital in China's leasing and business service industries has played an important role in economic development, which is highlighted in that it has become the second...