Universal Journal of Green Chemistry (UJGC) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal of green, sustainable science and technology published biannually online by Universal Wiser Publisher (UWP).
> fully open access - free for readers
> currently, no article processing charge (APC) paid by authors or their institutions
> double-blind peer-review
> free post-publication promotion service by the Editorial Office
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Jun 08,2022Youth Editorial Board for UJGC – Apply to join now!
by Susmita Jana, Mita Karmakar, Anwesha Haldar , Sourav Gorai, Bikramaditya Mandal, Debasish Mondal, Subrata Raha, Debdas Mandal
ABSTRACT: Silver nanoparticles were prepared using the green synthesis method using Equisetum plant extracts. The plant extracts reduce silver ions into silver nanoparticles at ambient conditions. The...
by Akshay Vade, Ashok Athalye, Suman Mundkur
ABSTRACT: The textile industry is actively investigating methods and technologies to enhance its environmental performance because of its substantial and well-known impact on greenhouse gas emissions...