by Davor Margetić
ABSTRACT: Organic chemical reactions are usually promoted by heating of reactants in various organic solvents. Amongst emerging synthetic methods mechanochemistry is recognized as being promissing in the...
by Shamshad Ahmad, Atin Kumar Pathak, Rose Pratima Minj, Shalini Chaudhary, Ashis Kumar, Tania Chalotra, Neelu Raina
ABSTRACT: Increasing demand for engineered Nanomaterial (ENMs) that have been widely applied in plant systems, for the improvement of quality, development, growth, nutritive value, and gene preservation....
by Jian-Sheng Shen, Cheng-Chien Wang, Chuh-Yung Chen, Chen-Yang Lin
ABSTRACT: A novel CO 2 absorbent, 50–75 wt.% aqueous potassium acetate solution (AcK (aq) ), which showed a CO 2 absorption capacity of ~ 0.2 mol CO 2 /mol, and could almost immediately completely desorb...
by Takashiro Akitsu, Daisuke Nakane
ABSTRACT: Green chemistry elements should deal with enzymatic chemical reactions that are efficient or have a low environmental impact. Laccase is a readily available multicopper oxidase that has been...
by Hang Gao, Russell Li
ABSTRACT: As the global warming, depletion of the fossil (oil and gas) and thinning of the ozone layer, “green” (environmentally-friendly) chemistry has become one of the most important segments in the...