Reviewer Board




Reviewer Board Members are selected from all journal reviewers for regularly providing timely high-quality reports on submitted manuscripts.





Prof. Dr. Gene Fliedner, Oakland University, USA




Dr. Magfura Pervin, Kingston School of Management & Science, India



Dr. Masoud Rahiminezhad Galankashi, Buein Zahra Technical University, Iran




Dr. Michel J. Leseure, University of Portsmouth, UK



Prof. Pengfei Zhang, Jimei University, China



Dr. Alibey Kudar, Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc., Turkey




Dr. Dennis Yu, Clarkson University, USA



Dr. Hamed Gholami, Mines Saint-Étienne, France



Dr. Urszula Ryciuk, Bialystok University of Technology, Poland

















Reviewers will be recruited through self-recommendation and editorial selection. For application, please send your curriculum vitae with a list of peer-reviewed publications to