Universal Journal of Operations and Management, Volume 2 Issue 1 (2023), 1-43

Open Access Article

A Decision-Analytic, Simulation-Based Model for Plantation Management Under Uncertainty in a Competitive Environment

by Mario Luis Chew Hernández, Isaac Hernández Arrieta, Rogel Fernando Retes Mantilla

ABSTRACT: This work takes a decision-analytic approach to develop a prescriptive model for three essential plantation management decisions: the size of the cultivated area, the method of cultivation, and...

Open Access Article

Sustainability Performance Frontiers

by Michel Leseure

ABSTRACT: When the concept of strategic trade-offs was introduced by Skinner in 1969, an intense academic debate followed. On one hand, World Class Manufacturing proponents rejected the idea whilst others...

Open Access Article

An Integrated Production and Inspection Model With a Heuristic Product Inspection Policy When Inspection Errors Exist

by Neng-Hui Shih, W. C. Tsai, Chih-Hsiung Wang

ABSTRACT: This study proposes a heuristic inspection policy to address the existence of type I and II inspection errors. The deterioration process often shifts from an in-control state to an out-of-control...