Call for Papers : Volume1 Issue 1 of Sustainable and Clean Buildings(SCB)
As economic development progresses, the significance of low carbon buildings and sustainable energy technologies becomes increasingly apparent. Therefore, Sustainable and Clean Buildings (SCB) is dedicated to soliciting scientific articles that substantially contribute to the advancement of the science behind low/zero carbon buildings.
SCB covers a broad range of topics that include but are not limited to:
◆Energy demand analysis of buildings, Indoor environment and air quality, Thermal comfort.
◆Low/zero carbon buildings, NZEB (Nearly Zero Energy Buildings) technologies, Energy-efficient retrofit, Natural,mechanical and hybrid ventilation systems, Waste heat recovery systems.
◆Wind catchers, Solar chimneys, Innovative HVAC (Heating,Ventilation,and Air Conditioning) systems.
◆Building physics, Novel roofs and facades, Thermal energy storage in buildings, Thermal superinsulation, Novel glazing systems and building elements.
◆Clean energy generation in buildings, Renewable and sustainable energy technologies, Building performance monitoring, Active and passive building designs, Novel materials, Architectural engineering.
◆Energy management and policy, Zero emission buildings, Building and environment
Welcome papers directly aligned with the above scope.
Additionally,we welcome advanced theoretical and simulation approaches provided the results are rigorously verified through reliable and standarlized experimental methodologies.
Important Dates:
Preliminary review: 1 week
Peer review: 4-6 weeks
Final decision: 2 weeks
Online publication: within 1 week after acceptance
For Submission:
Send directly to the mailbox:
or submit online:
If you have any queries, please direct them to the Journal Coordinator:
Elsa Shang
Journal page: