Transactions in Optics and Photonics

ISSN: (Print) (Online) Description

Transactions in Optics and Photonics is a comprehensive, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that serves as a platform for researchers, scientists, and engineers to publish their latest findings, advancements and innovations in optics and photonics. It aims to facilitate the sharing of cutting-edge research, theoretical advancements, experimental findings, and practical applications within the field.

The topics of the journal are from all areas of optics, including modern optics, quantum optics, nonlinear optics, fiber optics, optical physics, Fourier optics, spectroscopy, ultra-fast optics, X-ray optics, atmospheric optics, oceanic optics, geometrical optics, statistical optics, surface optics, optoelectronics, detectors, diffraction and gratings, paraxial waves, holography, image processing, pattern recognition, polarimetry, microscopy, optical data storage, optical devices, remote sensing, astronomical optics, optical engineering, surface photochemistry and thermal...

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Open Access Article

Complexity in Nonlinear and Quantum Optics by Considering Kolmogorov Derivatives and Change Complexity Information Measures

by Dragutin T. Mihailović

ABSTRACT: One of the most challenging tasks in studying phenomena in nonlinear and quantum optics is determining the contributions of the complexities of individual components to the complexity of the...

Open Access Article

Vortex Structures in Optical Fibers Under the Influence of Third-Order Dispersion and Self-Steepening Effect

by Aneliya Dakova-Mollova, Nikol Gocheva, Valeri Slavchev, Zara Kasapeteva, Diana Dakova, Anjan Biswas, Lubomir Kovachev

ABSTRACT: The present paper for the first time it is investigated the generation and formation of amplitude-type vortices, propagating in single-mode optical fibers with step-index profile under the...