Call for Papers - Publish with APC Fully Waived!


TOP is a newly established peer-reviewed open-access journal, published semiyearly and archived in the National Library, Singapore, and aims to facilitate the sharing of cutting-edge research, theoretical advancements, experimental findings, and practical applications within the field.

The topics of the journal are from all areas of optics, including modern optics, quantum optics, nonlinear optics, fiber optics, optical physics, Fourier optics, spectroscopy, ultra-fast optics, X-ray optics, atmospheric optics, oceanic optics, geometrical optics, statistical optics, surface optics, optoelectronics, detectors, diffraction and gratings, paraxial waves, holography, image processing, pattern recognition, polarimetry, microscopy, optical data storage, optical devices, remote sensing, astronomical optics, optical engineering, surface photochemistry and thermal lensing, etc.



At present, we are pleased to offer a full discount on APC for your submission.


Important Dates:

Initial check within: 3 days

Peer review: 3-4 weeks

Time for revision: 2-4 weeks

Final Decision: within 1 week

Production: within 1 week

From submission to final publication, we aim to complete the process within 8-12 weeks


For detailed submission guidelines, please visit:

Journal website:

Current EBM list:

Publisher website:

(Please read the Submission Guidelines before submitting).


If you have any queries, please direct them to the Journal Coordinator: Sophia


Journal page: