With the main research interests being engineering science and engineering technology, Engineering Science & Technology aims to disseminate the latest scientific theories, research results, and innovative methods among scientists and engineers from engineering disciplines.
The journal covers a broad spectrum of engineering sciences and technologies: Engineering physics, Mechanical engineering, Computational engineering, Engineering thermodynamics and heat transfer, Engineering psychology, Engineering management, Engineering bionics, Informatics and bioinformatics, Electrical engineering, Civil engineering, Agricultural engineering, Chemical and metallurgical, Energy and mining, Materials engineering, Aerospace, Electronics, Photonics engineering, Communication engineering, Resource-saving technologies, Mechatronics, Operational engineering.
The Journal EST welcomes authors to submit their research articles, reviews, case studies, letters, and conference...
Call for Papers: Volume 6, Issue 2 (2025) of Engineering Science & Technology (EST)
Jan 09,2021Outstanding Reviewer Award
by D. A. Ekpechi, V. C. Opkalaku-nath, U. V. Opara, N. I. Ezeaku, E. I. Nwankwo, C. A. Nwankwo, A. Hassan, C. O. Osasona, D. O. Jackson
ABSTRACT: Characteristics and application of Scheffe's model to evaluate the data collected from compressive strength of concrete having sands complying to two zones (III and IV) concrete developed using...