Boosting the Stability at Room Atmosphere of Lead Halide Perovskites Through a Simultaneous Compositional Tuning of the A-and X-sites




perovskite, CsxFA1-xPb(I1-yBry)3, band gap, stability, α/β/ɣ/δ-phase transition, solar cells, SCAPS, efficiency


Organic-inorganic lead halide perovskites, particularly the Formamidinium and Cesium based-ones are among the most promising materials for photovoltaic applications, yet they still face a stability issue. In this work, we boosted their structural and environment-resistance stability by the simultaneous compositional tuning of their A-cation and X-anion sites. We prepared 9 different solutions of CsxFA1-xPb(I1-yBry)3 (x = 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 and y = 0.15, 0.25 and 0.35), made the deposition on FTO substrates by one step spin-coating technique and did the post-annealing at 120 °C instead of the 350 °C for CsPbI3 for instance. We, afterward, characterized the films by X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV-visible spectroscopy, photoluminescence (PL) levels and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) to assess their crystallinity, optical properties and morphology. As a result, we noted that they all crystallized into the perovskite black α-phase and remained stable after 3 weeks in contrast to FAPbI3 or CsPbI3. We also found that their band gap energy ranged between 1.62 eV (for the compounds with 15% of Br) to 1.75 eV, hence their excellent absorbance properties.




How to Cite

Sié Georges Hien, Amal Bouich, Abou Bakary Coulibaly, Aka Boko, Bernabé Marí Soucase. Boosting the Stability at Room Atmosphere of Lead Halide Perovskites Through a Simultaneous Compositional Tuning of the A-and X-sites. Advanced Energy Conversion Materials [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 14 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];4(2):48-65. Available from: