Characterization and Sensitivity Analysis of a Photovoltaic Panel


  • Mina Nezamisavojbolaghi Instrumentation and Control Laboratory, Institute of Earth Science, Évora, Portugal
  • Erfan Davodian Instrumentation and Control Laboratory, Institute of Earth Science, Évora, Portugal
  • Amal Bouich Institute of Design and Manufacturing, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Camí de Vera s/n 46022 Valencia, Spain
  • Mouhaydine Tlemçani Instrumentation and Control Laboratory, Institute of Earth Science, Évora, Portugal



modelling, single-diode model, Maximum Power Point (MPP), instrumentation


The characterization of photovoltaic (PV) panels is crucial both in post-manufacturing quality control and operational phases. To achieve this purpose, models of equivalent electronic circuits are utilized. The modeling of photovoltaic panels can be simulated using single-diode and double-diode models. These models differ in the number of parameters due to the inclusion of one or two diodes, resulting in non-linearity within the mathematical descriptions of these systems. In this study, a single-diode model with 5 parameters has been employed to analyze the system’s behavior. Sensitivity analysis and a comparative study of two different numerical methods were conducted to assess the estimation of the maximum power. Furthermore, the internal and external factors influencing the performance of photovoltaic panels were studied and analyzed. To simulate panel degradation, both the serial resistance and temperature were considered as slow time-varying internal and external parameters, affecting the I-V characteristic and the Maximum Power Point. This work presents a comparative study of heuristic search algorithms applied to the two models, accompanied by a simulation of a real-time application.




How to Cite

Nezamisavojbolaghi M, Erfan Davodian, Amal Bouich, Mouhaydine Tlemçani. Characterization and Sensitivity Analysis of a Photovoltaic Panel. Advanced Energy Conversion Materials [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 26 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];4(2):164-73. Available from: