Computer Networks and Communications

ISSN: (Print) 2972-4619 (Online) Description

Computer Networks and Communications (CNC) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal in science and technology for original research papers focused on networks and communications, published biannually online by Universal Wiser Publisher (UWP).

> fully open access - free for readers
> no article processing charge (APC) paid by authors or their institutions until 2025
> thorough double-blind peer-review
> free post-publication promotion service by the Editorial Office

Latest Articles

Open Access Article

An Analysis of Different Security Models and the Obstacles of Ensuring Security and Privacy while Storing Data on the Cloud

by Shahid Naseem, Salbia Sidrat, Muhammad Mueed Hussain

ABSTRACT: Every day, cloud computing—which stores user data online—becomes more and more popular. Instead of being aware of security risks, the main goal of a cloud-based system is to use the internet as a...

Open Access Article

Device to Device Disaster Management: Squirrel Search Algorithm Approach

by Lithungo K Murry, R. Kumar

ABSTRACT: Cellular networks can overcome their bandwidth bottleneck problem through the use of device-to-device communication paradigm. In instances of traffic congestion and natural calamities, these...

Open Access Article

Energy Efficient Routing Protocol and Cluster Head Selection Using Modified Spider Monkey Optimization

by Pranati Mishra, Ranjan Kumar Dash

ABSTRACT: Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) offer advantages in deployment flexibility and affordability due to their compact size and low cost. However, real-world WSN implementations face challenges,...

Open Access Article

Analysis of Path Convergence in Chord DHT

by Vladimir Rocha, Daniel Czeresnia, Carlo Kleber da Silva Rodrigues

ABSTRACT: Chord is a Distributed Hash Table widely used for its efficiency in searching for information. The efficiency of this structure relies on creating short paths of O(log 2 n) between two nodes, in...

Open Access Article

Optimizing Cloud Resource Allocation in Federated Environments through Outsourcing Strategies

by Arash Mazidi

ABSTRACT: Cloud computing enables users to access required resources, with the invention of high-end devices leading to exponential increases in cloud resource requests. This poses significant challenges...

Open Access Article

DeAuth: A Decentralized Authentication and Authorization Scheme for Secure Private Data Sharing

by Phillipe Austria, Yoohwan Kim, Ju-Yeon Jo

ABSTRACT: The sharing of private information is a daunting, multifaceted, and expensive undertaking. Furthermore, identity management is an additional challenge that poses significant technological,...