Computer Networks and Communications

ISSN: (Print) 2972-4619 (Online) Description

Computer Networks and Communications (CNC) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal in science and technology for original research papers focused on networks and communications, published biannually online by Universal Wiser Publisher (UWP).

> fully open access - free for readers
> no article processing charge (APC) paid by authors or their institutions until 2025
> thorough double-blind peer-review
> free post-publication promotion service by the Editorial Office

Latest Articles

Open Access Article

Analysis of Path Convergence in Chord DHT

by Vladimir Rocha, Daniel Czeresnia, Carlo Kleber da Silva Rodrigues

ABSTRACT: Chord is a Distributed Hash Table widely used for its efficiency in searching for information. The efficiency of this structure relies on creating short paths of O(log 2 n) between two nodes, in...

Open Access Article

Optimizing Cloud Resource Allocation in Federated Environments through Outsourcing Strategies

by Arash Mazidi

ABSTRACT: Cloud computing enables users to access required resources, with the invention of high-end devices leading to exponential increases in cloud resource requests. This poses significant challenges...

Open Access Article

DeAuth: A Decentralized Authentication and Authorization Scheme for Secure Private Data Sharing

by Phillipe Austria, Yoohwan Kim, Ju-Yeon Jo

ABSTRACT: The sharing of private information is a daunting, multifaceted, and expensive undertaking. Furthermore, identity management is an additional challenge that poses significant technological,...