Engineering Science & Technology, Volume 3 Issue 2 (2022), 108-278

Open Access Article

Hess Law Applicability to Heterogeneous Combustion Reactions Resulting to Non-Monotonicity of Enthalpy Distribution in Them

by I. A. Filimonov, I. I. Filimonova

ABSTRACT: The definition of reaction irreversibility (reversibility) available now in literature does not allow for determining this reaction peculiarity before a practice. Moreover, in mathematical terms,...

Open Access Article

A New Cost-Benefit Economic Model Approach of Hemodialyzer Reuse

by Jeamichel Puente Torres, Harold Crespo Sariol, Jan Yperman, Peter Adriaensens, Robert Carleer, Kenny Vanreppelen, Thayset Mariño Peacok, Yoandri Bandera Ramos, Ángel Brito Sauvanell, Ariel Alonso Abad

ABSTRACT: In this study, a new cost-benefit economic model for hemodialyzer reuse has been developed considering all of the direct costs (dialyzer price, disinfection fluid price, reverse osmosis water...

Open Access Article

A Simple Mathematical Model for Extreme Flood Actions on Superstructures of Coastal Bridges

by George T. Michaltsos, Dimitrios S. Sophianopoulos, Theodor G. Konstantakopoulos

ABSTRACT: Coastal bridges may be strongly affected by extreme flood actions (mainly tsunamis), which may be caused by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other underwater explosions (including detonations,...

Open Access Article

Design of Wideband Dielectric Near-Field Lens for Medical Applications in Tumor Treatment

by Behrooz Haghshenas-Kashani, Mohammad-Ali Damavandi, Mohammad Khalaj-Amirhosseini

ABSTRACT: This paper presents a dielectric near-field lens for hyperthermia applications in tumor cell destruction, unlike the previous methods that used microstrip near-field lenses. Dielectric lenses...

Open Access Article

Pedalling Comfort of a Custom Pedal Series Hybrid Drivetrain in a Cargo E-Tricycle

by Jordi D'hondt, Peter Slaets, Eric Demeester, Marc Juwet

ABSTRACT: A Pedal Series Hybrid Drivetrain (PSHD) uses an electrical power transmission rather than a chain, belt, or shaft. It creates exciting opportunities for the vehicle's design, but pedalling does...

Open Access Article

Influence of Triple Diffusive Convection in Peristaltic Flow of Jeffrey Nanofluid Through Non-Uniform Channel

by S. K. Asha, N. Kallolikar

ABSTRACT: In this investigation, we considered the effect of triple diffusive convection on peristaltic flow through a non-uniform Channel. We also considered the incompressible non-Newtonian Jeffrey...

Open Access Article

Evaluation of Geotechnical Properties of Black Cotton Soil Reinforced with Sisal Fibre for Waste Containment Application

by Paul Yohanna, Pollum Johnson, Bongko Ponpyal Victor, Abdulrahman Badamasi, Fwanshak Gaius Mije, Terseer Ako, Aniekpeno Bassey Bassey

ABSTRACT: Compacted Black Cotton Soils (BCS) used in geotechnical constructions such as dams and clayey liners in waste containment facilities can suffer from cracking due to swelling and shrinking during...

Open Access Article

Effects of Flow Parameters on the Characteristics of Biogas Flames in a Crossflow Air Stream

by A. Harish, V. Raghavan

ABSTRACT: This study presents the flame characteristics of laminar cross-flow non-premixed biogas-air flames established in a boundary layer using ANSYS Fluent. The validated numerical model is...

Open Access Article

Combustion Characteristics and Flame Stability of a Methane-Air Mixture in Micro-Structured Systems

by Junjie Chen

ABSTRACT: Cavities are effective in improving the ability of a flame in micro-structured systems, but the mechanism for increased flame stability remains unclear. Numerical simulations are performed to...

Open Access Article

Realize 100% Renewable Energy by Sailing Mega-Solar Rafts in Low-Latitude Pacific Ocean

by Takaji Kokusho, Eiji Emoto

ABSTRACT: Besides offshore wind power, which is a major target of renewable energy development worldwide, huge sunshine energy affluent in the low-latitude Pacific Ocean may be captured with a reasonable...