Application of Tomato Byproduct in Food Products-A Review


  • Fernanda Dias Silva Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering, University of São Paulo, Av. Duque de Caxias Norte, Brazil
  • Vitor Augusto dos Santos Garcia Technology Department, State University of Maringá, Av. Ângelo Moreira da Fonseca 1800, Brazil
  • Fernanda Maria Vanin Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering, University of São Paulo, Av. Duque de Caxias Norte, Brazil
  • Cristiana Maria Pedroso Yoshida Institute of Environmental, Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Federal University of Sao Paulo, Diadema, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Rosemary Aparecida de Carvalho Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering, University of São Paulo, Av. Duque de Caxias Norte, Brazil



tomato pomace, waste, lycopene, carotenoids, proteins, dietary fiber


Tomatoes are one of the most consumed vegetables in the world, and the waste from their processing is mainly discarded. Tomato byproducts can be used in different ways, and the seed, the peel, or both can be incorporated into the process. In most studies, the byproduct is dried, and the powder is incorporated into various products. The powder incorporated concentration varies with the food categories, which for most products is around 10% (w/w). The composition of tomato pomace is rich in fibers and causes a considerable change in technological food aspects, such as hardness, viscosity, cohesiveness, volume, expansion, density, and sensory evaluations. Although the incorporation of the tomatoes byproduct can affect specific characteristics due to the high content of fibers and active compounds, its use has aroused interest. This review aims to assemble studies related to tomatoes byproduct within an industrial context and discuss its effects as an ingredient in physicochemical, rheological, textural, and sensorial parameters in tomato-based foods, meats, bakery products, and snacks, among others.




How to Cite

Silva FD, Garcia VA dos S, Vanin FM, Yoshida CMP, Carvalho RA de. Application of Tomato Byproduct in Food Products-A Review. Food Science and Engineering [Internet]. 2023 Feb. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];4(1):103-15. Available from: