Proximate, Amino Acid Compositions and Functional Properties of Maize-Beans Composite Flours


  • Taiwo Aderinola Department of Food Science and Technology, The Federal University of Technology, PMB 704, Akure, Nigeria
  • Adeola Dorcas Adeoye Department of Food Science and Technology, The Federal University of Technology, PMB 704, Akure, Nigeria



maize, beans, composite flour, nutritional, functional


The aim of the study was to determine the nutritional and functional properties of beans-maize flour samples. Flour blends were produced using 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 50:50 (maize: beans, w/w) while 100% maize served as the control. The proximate composition results were: moisture content (8.99-7.65%), crude protein (6.93-14.00%), carbohydrate (63.75-75.64%), total ash (0.97-2.62%), crude fat (6.95-11.11%) and crude fiber (0.51-0.87%). Functional properties results obtained were: water absorption capacity (1.75-1.90 g/g), oil absorption capacity (1.33-1.53 g/g), swelling capacity (1.66-1.36 mL/g), least gelation concentration (15.00-4.50%), bulk density (1.54-1.67 g/mL), foaming capacity (51.00-80.83%) and foaming stability (8.28-19.01%). The substitution of maize flour with beans had significant improvements in the mineral and amino acid compositions of the composite flours. Generally, there was an improvement in the nutritional and functional properties as the level of beans supplementation increased. It was concluded that the addition of beans flour to maize flour enhanced the nutritional and functional properties of the composite flours.




How to Cite

Aderinola T, Adeoye AD. Proximate, Amino Acid Compositions and Functional Properties of Maize-Beans Composite Flours. Food Science and Engineering [Internet]. 2022 Nov. 16 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];4(1):9-19. Available from: