Carbon Sequestration in Lumber Columns: Facilitating the Reuse of Lumber Waste for Prefabrication through Computational Design and Augmented Fabrication


  • Bastian Wibranek School of Architecture and Planning, University of Texas at San Antonio, Texas, USA



augmented reality, computational design, reuse, design for reuse, prefabrication, carbon sequestration


Industrial prefabrication brings benefits such as higher productivity and reduced waste production. However, waste, cut-offs, and failures cannot be prevented even in a prefabrication setting. Yet, most processes for utilizing scrap materials promote downgrading. This research presents a construction framework to facilitate the reuse and salvaging of lumber waste from a lumber construction company using a computational design (CD) and augmented reality (AR) setup. Specifically, we explore the design of columns based on an inventory of scrap materials and propose a high level of automation (LoA) prefabrication for reusing lumber waste for structural parts. The design and AR framework support the extension of the matching skillset through the integration of existing materials and the automation of creating an assembly plan for AR, improving the reusability of cut-off lumber blocks. It features a design tool for placing existing lumber scrap blocks and an integrated AR application for assembling these blocks into wood columns. The setup is demonstrated through column prototypes, resulting in six columns, each 10 feet high. The proposed methods extend the opportunities for designers to reuse lumber scraps for prefabrication and simplify assembly instructions for craftspeople, providing valuable tools to enable a resource-efficient workflow for lumber scrap.




How to Cite

Wibranek B. Carbon Sequestration in Lumber Columns: Facilitating the Reuse of Lumber Waste for Prefabrication through Computational Design and Augmented Fabrication. Green Building & Construction Economics [Internet]. 2023 May 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];4(1):90-103. Available from: