Special Issue: Achieving regional economic development through Sustainable Development Goals


Special Issue Description:

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the United Nations in 2015, provide a comprehensive framework for achieving a more just, equitable, and sustainable future.  While significant progress has been made on some fronts, significant challenges remain.  Economics plays a critical role in achieving these goals by providing tools for efficient resource allocation, policy analysis, and fostering innovation.  This special issue aims to showcase cutting-edge economic research that contributes to the successful implementation of the SDGs. Motivation This special issue is particularly timely for several reasons.  First, with the 2030 deadline for achieving the SDGs approaching, there is a critical need to identify and implement effective economic solutions.  Second, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted progress on many SDGs, necessitating a reevaluation of economic strategies.  Third, new economic tools and frameworks are emerging that hold promise for accelerating progress towards a sustainable future.


Topics of Interest: we welcome high-quality, original research papers that address a broad range of topics related to the SDGs from an economic perspective.  Examples include, but are not limited to:

1)Economic instruments for achieving specific SDGs: This could include research on carbon pricing mechanisms for tackling climate change (SDG 13), economic incentives for promoting gender equality (SDG 5), or the design of optimal tax structures for financing sustainable development (SDG 17).

2)The role of innovation and technological change in advancing the SDGs: Papers could explore how economic policies can foster innovation in areas like clean energy, sustainable agriculture, and resource efficiency (SDG 7, SDG 2, SDG 12).

3)The impact of economic policies on inequality and sustainability: Research examining the distributional effects of policies aimed at achieving the SDGs is particularly encouraged, along with studies on how to promote inclusive and equitable growth (SDG 10).

4)The economics of climate change and environmental sustainability: This could include research on the economic costs of climate change inaction, the design of optimal climate mitigation and adaptation strategies (SDG 13), or the development of circular economy models (SDG 12).

5)Behavioral economics and the SDGs: Papers that explore how insights from behavioral economics can be used to design more effective policies for promoting sustainable behaviors (e.g., energy conservation, waste reduction) are welcome (SDG 12).

6)The role of financial institutions and markets in financing the SDGs: This could include research on innovative financing mechanisms for sustainable development projects (SDG 17), the integration of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) factors into investment decisions, or the development of green bonds.


Lead Guest Editor

Dr. Qasim Raza Syed

Email: qasimrazasyed.economics@gmail.com

Homepage: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=_vG9iEAAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

Affiliation: National Tariff Commission, Pakistan/ Universiti Sains Malaysia/ Ilma University


Guest Editors

Dr. Farah Durani

Email:   farahdurani@gmail.com

Homepage: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=PF78C_gAAAAJ&hl=en

Affiliation: University of Business and Technology, Jeddah, KSA

Dr. Roni Bhowmik

Email: roni@amss.ac.cn

Homepage: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=PF78C_gAAAAJ&hl=en

Affiliation: School of Business, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies


Submission information

Submit it online: https://ojs.wiserpub.com/index.php/REDR/user/register

Or send it to the email address: editorredr@universalwiser.com


Submission guideline



Submission Deadline: December 31, 2024


For any inquiries about this Special Issue, please contact the Editors via editorredr@universalwiser.com.