Call for Papers: Volume 5 Issue 2 (2024) of Regional Economic Development Research


Regional Economic Development Research is an international, multidisciplinary, and peer reviewed journal, which aims to publish high quality original articles, both theoretical and empirical, in all areas of regional economic development covering Asian economies, African economies, Asia-Pacific economies, European economies, Latin American economies, Caribbean economies, Middle East and North Africa economies, Maghreb and Sub-Saharan Africa economies.

You are invited to submit papers for Volume 5 Issue 2 of the journal. The papers should normally present results of original work. Critical reviews of important fields are also published. For more information and to review the submission guidelines, please visit the following website:


Editorial Process

Preliminary assessment: 1 week
Peer review: 4 - 6 weeks
Final decision: 2 weeks
Production for online publication: 1 week


Article Processing Charges


How to submit:

Submit online:

Or send directly to:
Submission deadline: 25th November 2024


For more information, please visit:

For any inquiries, do not hesitate to contact the editor of REDR:



Editorial Office of Regional Economic Development Research