Evaluation of the Technological Competences Through Dissemination of Knowledge in Technological Incubators with Faph
incubators, knowledge, technological skills, multicriteria methods, technological competencesAbstract
Unlike the industrial economy that valued vertical integration, the knowledge economy stimulates and values the formation of interorganizational alliances and business arrangements built in networks. Competitiveness shifts from a one-way, individual and endogenous process within firms to an open, multidirectional, collaborative and networked process. In this context, the objective of this study is to evaluate the technological competences (using the SECI model of knowledge conversion) present in technological incubators, through fuzzy multi-criteria methods. A hybrid mathematical methodology will be used with the integration of the Fuzzy Delphi (FDelphi) and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) methods. The FDelphi will serve to raise and validate the critical factors (criteria/subcriteria) present to evaluate technological competencies in technological incubators. The FAHP method will be applied to calculate the relative weights of the selected criteria/subcriteria that affect the problem in question. Regarding the results, the following criteria were obtained: C4 (Socialization-38%), that is, the way in which the employees of an incubator share the knowledge, the second one that stood out the most was C1 (External acquisition of knowledge-28%) sources from which employees acquire tacit and/or explicit knowledge of the incubator's external environment. This proposal is expected to improve the competitiveness of technology incubators by assessing technological skills and disseminating knowledge.
How to Cite
Nara Medianeira Stefano. (2020). Evaluation of the Technological Competences Through Dissemination of Knowledge in Technological Incubators with Faph. Regional Economic Development Research, 1(1), 44–53. https://doi.org/10.37256/redr.112020381