Cloud Computing and Data Science(CCDS) is an international, open-access, and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing research in cloud computing and data science. The topics of strong interest to our readership span the exploration of established and rapidly emerging topics, which include but are not limited to:
Cloud Computing: Green Cloud Computing; Edge Computing; Parallel and Distributed Computing; High Performance Computing; Serverless Computing; Cloud Storage, Data, and Analytics; Cloud Native; Cloud Scalability; Intelligent Cloud Services; Cloud Security and Privacy; Cloud Deployment Models; Cloud Service Delivery Models; Cloud Computing Economics and Pricing Models; Cloud Programming Models; Mobile Cloud Computing and Its Applications; Scientific, Industrial, and Societal Impacts of Cloud Computing; Cloud and Data Security, etc.
Data Science: Data Mining; Data Visualization; Data Engineering Techniques; Big Data Analytics and Decision Making; Big Data-based Machine Learning; Applications of Big Data; Scientific Data Management; Predictive Models; Data Security, Privacy, and Trust; Dimension Reduction Methods and Techniques; Time Stamps and Financial modeling; Fraud Detection using AI; GIS and Spatial Data; Application of Data Science, etc.
Emphasis on novel research related to practical experience and application in these areas should be an essential aspect of contributions, rather than addressing theoretical aspects. High-quality original research paper, authoritative research review and short communications are mainly welcomed, and survey papers that offer up new insights and lay the foundations for further exploratory and experimental work are also accepted.