Fine Chemical Engineering is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal which is semi-yearly published online. It is an essential journal for chemical engineers, chemists, biologists, materials and environmental scientists, physicists and other researchers in cross-disciplinary areas, which represents the cutting-edge research on fine chemicals, and promotes the development of science and technology, optimization strategies, analysis, applications and life-cycle scrutiny of such chemicals. See more topics...
Volume 6 Issue 1: Calling for Papers
Apr 19,2024Fine Chemical Engineering Included in Europub database
Apr 25,2023Fine Chemical Engineering Included in CAS Databases
by Sellam Djamila, Elkebich Moumena, Arbia Yassamina, Brahimi Meziane
ABSTRACT: The Di-hydrogen solid-state is formed only at very low temperatures and pressures exceeding 1.5 million atmospheres. These draconian conditions are harmful to the economic and safe use of...
by Svetlana Lokhanina, Larisa Trubacheva, Maria Ivanova, Aleksei Trubachev
ABSTRACT: The possibility of using arsenazo I as a reagent for the spectrophotometric determination of the content of exchangeable (mobile) aluminum in soils of various types (clay, loamy, sandy, and sandy...
by Cornelius Tsamo, Martin Ngwabie, Jourdin Gongwala, Abba Paltahe
ABSTRACT: A large quantity of slaughterhouse wastewater (SWW), containing many pollutants, is generated during the slaughtering and cleaning process and needs to be treated before discharge to protect the...
by Fatemeh Mollaamin
ABSTRACT: As applied materials for quantum nanotechnology, silicon carbide nanocage (Si-C_NC), germanium carbide nanocage (Ge-C_NC), tin carbide nanocage (Sn-C_NC) or lead carbide nanocage (Pb-C_NC) have...
by Gagandeep Chawla, Rishi Sarup Sharma, Vinod Kumar Mittal
ABSTRACT: Precision polishing is difficult for advanced materials like silicon carbide and boron carbide. Magnetic abrasive flow machining (MAFM) has become an effective method for cleaning, deburring, and...
by Hamdane Akbi, Souleymen Rafai, Ahmed Mekki, Rostom Bedjeloud, Sabri Touidjine
ABSTRACT: Two-dimensional hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is an outstanding material characterized by its low dielectric constant, making it an excellent candidate for absorbing radiation in the...