by Kriti Rai Saini, Shailesh Rajput, Yoonsuk Choi
ABSTRACT: As transistors are scaled down to keep up with Moore's law, the semiconductor industry is facing several challenges due to the limitation of traditional Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect...
by Marco Aurelio Spohn
ABSTRACT: The Publish/Subscribe (P/S) paradigm plays an essential role in developing Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Among the most representative P/S protocols, there is Message Queuing Telemetry...
by Romeo Kom Kammeugne, Charles Leroux, Tadeu Mota Frutuoso, Jacques Cluzel, Laura Vauche, Romain Gwoziecki, Xavier Garros, Matthew Charles, Edwige Bano, Gerard Ghibaudo
ABSTRACT: In this study, parasitic coupling capacitance behavior on GaN devices with recessed MIS-gate is analysed in depth by combining experimental data, 2D-simulations, analytical calculations, and TEM...
by Yahui Wu, Lukui Jin, Zhenxiong Xie
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a design of dielectric waveguide filter using dual-mode dielectric waveguide resonators (DWRs). The filter is formed by a ceramic monoblock, thus it is compact and ease of...
by Hang Gao, Russell Li
ABSTRACT: Electrical engineering is a field of engineering that focuses on electricity and electronics, from microscopic computer components to large-scale electrical networks. It has been a key aspect of...