Call for Editorial Board Members - SER (ISSN: 2717-5731)


Would you like to join the Editorial Board of Social Education Research?


Social Education Research (SER) is looking for new Editorial Board members with the passion to further improve the international influence and academic level of the Journal and drive it forward in an exciting period of development.

Established in 2019, SER is an interdisciplinary open access journal with the aim to exchange ideas and research findings that will contribute on the expansion of knowledge and understanding on issues about social education.   



SER is seeking members to join its International Editorial Board, alongside the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

1. Encouraging quality submissions: Encouraging contributions to Social Education Research from your students, colleagues, and those within your network to submit their latest research helps the journal to grow in quality and reputation. Please also consider submitting a paper yourself.


2. Participating in peer review process: Reviewing papers within the allocated deadline or suggesting alternative reviewers. If you are unable to suggest a colleague or review the paper yourself, please let the editors know ASAP to avoid delaying the peer review process.


3. Suggesting special issues, ‘hot topics’ and review articles: Identifying topics for special issues, which you may be the guest editor. If you spot any trends or areas that might help raise the profile or benefit SER please let the editors know your suggestions or submit your own for consideration.


4. Promoting the Journal: Please recommend the Journal to your institution or librarian if they have not subscribed yet and promote the Journal via international crucial academic conferences, activities or other channels.


5. Advising on the Journal policy and scope: Giving professional advice on the Journal policy and scope and participating in the journal development.


6. Organizing or participating in academic activities: Taking an active role in the Editorial Board meetings, and co-sponsoring international academic conferences or training with the Journal.


Benefits of being EBMs:

1. Listing your membership of the Board on your academic curriculum vitae.

2. Your name is listed within each issue of the journal and on the journal's website.

3. The articles contributed or recommended by you will be given the priority of free publication once accepted for publication.

4. Purposing special issues. 

5. Getting one hard copy of the special issue without any charges after the issue has been completed successfully (upon request).

6. Freely organizing or promoting your own conferences or other academic activities by using our platform.


Applications are welcomed from highly qualified and well-networked academics in the field of social education (theoretical content and practical teaching ideas), with previous experience of review. Those interested in making an application should send an updated CV with a statement explaining why you'd like to join the board.


All enquiries, expressions of interest and applications should be directed via email to: Amanda Ma, Journal Editor,