Public Gardens and Well-Being: The Case of the Raffaoui Archaeological Garden of Setif, Algeria


  • Imane Meziane Mediterranean Architecture Laboratory (LAM), Department of Architecture, Institute of Architecture and Earth Sciences, University Farhet Abbas Setif 1, Algeria
  • Said Madani Mediterranean Architecture Laboratory (LAM), Department of Architecture, Institute of Architecture and Earth Sciences, University Farhet Abbas Setif 1, Algeria
  • Azzouz Diafet Mediterranean Architecture Laboratory (LAM), Department of Architecture, Institute of Architecture and Earth Sciences, University Farhet Abbas Setif 1, Algeria



archaeological heritage, nymph, Raffaoui Garden, Setif, streetscape, well-being, modern urbanism


The existence of a space dedicated to nature and gardens in the city enhances the living environment of its inhabitants, preserves biodiversity, and limits urban pollution. This work is based on the analysis of Raffaoui Garden (Ex-Barral) and its location in the historical city center of Setif, Algeria. It is one of the historical markers of the city’s stratification of civilizations, marked by the archaeological character of the nymph inherited from the Roman period. In this study, the methodology used is based on a combination of a historical approach, observation, and a questionnaire addressed to the users of the garden. The first results show the importance of nature as an element of differentiation through the aesthetics it brings to the historic center of Setif. They also reveal the lack of urban furniture necessary in this kind of public space. From a functional point of view, the frequentation and use of the park are mainly limited to 50- and 60-year-olds, former residents, and some visitors, despite its location in the city center. This study confirms the environmental benefits of public gardens in terms of mitigating heat islands and improving air quality, although they offer a space cleared by urban planning in the city center. The improvement of their attractiveness can encourage visitors to walk there, observe the local life, or simply contemplate the ecological quality of these spaces and, in particular, the archaeological heritage that coexists with the modern urbanization of Setif.




How to Cite

Meziane I, Madani S, Diafet A. Public Gardens and Well-Being: The Case of the Raffaoui Archaeological Garden of Setif, Algeria. Green Building & Construction Economics [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];4(2):265-7. Available from: