Analytical Study for Assessment of the Green Urban Spaces, Ain Bouaroua Public Garden, Setif, Algeria


  • Safa Boudab Laboratory Projet Urbain Ville et Territoire, Architecture and Earth Sciences Institute, Ferhat Abbas University of Setif 01, Setif, Algeria
  • Abderrahmane Diafat Laboratory Projet Urbain Ville et Territoire, Architecture and Earth Sciences Institute, Ferhat Abbas University of Setif 01, Setif, Algeria
  • Said Madani Laboratory Projet Urbain Ville et Territoire, Architecture and Earth Sciences Institute, Ferhat Abbas University of Setif 01, Setif, Algeria



urban living environment, public garden, design, spatial practices, Setif


Urban green space offers physical and sensory satisfaction, hence the importance of realizing that a simple wooded area, even randomly scattered, is not enough to provide an ideal urban setting. Developing and designing urban nature with designers and citizens is essential to being beneficial, relevant, and adapted to users’ needs. The state of urban green spaces in Algeria, particularly public parks, is currently a subject of debate. These areas have been neglected and significantly altered throughout the various phases of urbanization, resulting in their undervaluation and underappreciation. Public spaces are given less priority and are thus less developed than residential areas, leading to a need for more research, planning, and urban development initiatives focused on them. Rapid urbanization and the emphasis on housing needs have resulted in minimal production of public spaces, leading to a functional approach that needs to be more aware of their intended uses. This article sheds light on our case study, the public garden of Ain Bouaroua in Setif, Algeria. The research methodology combines historical and typo-morphological approaches with those of the users. In order to understand and identify the activities and behaviors of the users, questionnaires are distributed to various actors in the green spaces. The collection and processing of this information and data reveals the current uses and spatial practices while focusing on the evaluation of these green spaces. The results reveal that users’ motivations, proximity, and safety, and that the lack of facilities, the low density of vegetation, and the predominance of men are weak points. The proximity of educational facilities attracts schoolchildren. This work can contribute to developing the green network across the whole territory of Setif.




How to Cite

Boudab S, Diafat A, Madani S. Analytical Study for Assessment of the Green Urban Spaces, Ain Bouaroua Public Garden, Setif, Algeria. Green Building & Construction Economics [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];4(2):241-64. Available from: