Special Issue: Computational Techniques and Applications in Special Functions and Polynomials
A large number of mathematical functions especially special functions have been developed over the years because of the needs in physics and engineering. They also arise in many problems of pure and applied mathematics, mathematical statistics, physics, and engineering. This special issue will provide an up-to-date overview of numerical methods for computing special functions and discusses when to use these methods depending on the function and the range of parameters. Not only are standard and simple parameter domains considered, but also methods valid for large and complex parameters are described. Therefore, this special issue will discuss the principal methods used in computing special functions.
Keywords: Approximation methods for Special Functions; Analytical properties and applications of Special Functions; Inequalities for Special Functions; Integration of products of Special Functions; Properties of ordinary and general families of Special Functions; Operational techniques involving Special Functions; Classes of mixed Special Functions and their properties; Other miscellaneous applications of Special Functions.
We invite global scholars to submit papers and engage in discussions on this topic.
Lead Guest Editor
Serkan Araci
Affiliation: Hasan Kalyoncu University, Turkey
E-Mail: serkan.araci@hku.edu.tr; mtsrkn@hotmail.com
Interests: Special Functions, q-Special Functions, Analytic Number Theory, Applications of Fractional Calculus, p-adic q-Analysis.
Guest Editors
Ayse Karagenc
Affiliation: Gaziantep University, Turkey
E-Mail: ayse_karagenc@hotmail.com
Interests: Special Functions, Analytic Number Theory
Mehmet Acikgoz
Affiliation: Gaziantep University, Turkey
E-Mail: acikgoz@gantep.edu.tr
Interests: Special Functions, p-adic analysis, q-analysis, approximation theory.
Communication Editor
Burcu Dogruer Dogan
Affiliation: Gaziantep University, Turkey
E-Mail: burcudorguer@gmail.com
Submission Information
Submit it online: http://ojs.wiserpub.com/index.php/CM/user/register
Or send it to the email address: wendy@universalwiser.com
Submission Guideline
For any inquiries about this Special Issue, please contact the Editors via wendy@universalwiser.com.