Special Issue: Function Spaces and Its Applications


The goal of this Special Issue, "Function Spaces and Its Applications," is to showcase recent advancements in this field. This includes exploring theory of function spaces and its applications in related areas such as harmonic analysis and partial differential equations. We invite original, high-quality contributions on this topic. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following keywords:

Lebesgue space

Orlicz space

Sobolev space

Hardy space


Triebel-Lizorkin space

Campanato space

Herz spaces

Herz-Morrey spaces

Grand variable Herz-Morrey spaces

Grand weighted Herz spaces


Guest Editor

Name: Babar Sultan

Affiliation: Quaid-I-Azam University Islamabad, University of Aveiro Portugal

Email: Babarsultan40@yahoo.com


Name: Mehvish Sultan

Affiliation: Capital University of Science and Technology

Email: Mehvishsultanbaz@gmail.com


Submission Information

Submit it online: http://ojs.wiserpub.com/index.php/CM/user/register

Or send it to the email address:  cmeditor@universalwiser.com


Submission Guideline



For any inquiries about this Special Issue, please contact the Editors via cmeditor@universalwiser.com.